


下面是一篇关于stdin, stdout和stderr的长篇文章:



Streams Are Handled Like Files Streams in Linux—like almost everything else—are treated as though they were files. You can read text from a file, and you can write text into a file. Both of these actions involve a stream of data. So the concept of handling a stream of data as a file isn’t that much of a stretch. Each file associated with a process is allocated a unique number to identify it. This is known as the file descriptor. Whenever an action is required to be performed on a file, the file descriptor is used to identify the file. These values are always used for stdin, stdout, and stderr: 0: stdin 1: stdout 2: stderr




通过控制台读取输入(例如键盘输入)。 在C语言中使用scanf

scanf(<formatstring>,<pointer to storage> ...);


产生输出到控制台。 在C中与printf一起使用

printf(<string>, <values to print> ...);


向控制台输出“错误”。 在C中与fprintf一起使用

fprintf(stderr, <string>, <values to print> ...);


stdin的源可以被重定向。例如,它不是来自键盘输入,而是来自文件(echo < file.txt)或另一个程序(ps | grep <userid>)。

stdout、stderr的目的地也可以重定向。例如,stdout可以重定向到一个文件:ls。> ls-output.txt,在这种情况下输出被写入文件ls-output.txt。Stderr可以用2>重定向。

It would be more correct to say that stdin, stdout, and stderr are "I/O streams" rather than files. As you've noticed, these entities do not live in the filesystem. But the Unix philosophy, as far as I/O is concerned, is "everything is a file". In practice, that really means that you can use the same library functions and interfaces (printf, scanf, read, write, select, etc.) without worrying about whether the I/O stream is connected to a keyboard, a disk file, a socket, a pipe, or some other I/O abstraction.

大多数程序都需要读取输入,写入输出,并记录错误,所以stdin, stdout, 和stderr是为您预定义的,以方便编程。这只是 一种约定,操作系统不强制执行。

下面是一篇关于stdin, stdout和stderr的长篇文章:



Streams Are Handled Like Files Streams in Linux—like almost everything else—are treated as though they were files. You can read text from a file, and you can write text into a file. Both of these actions involve a stream of data. So the concept of handling a stream of data as a file isn’t that much of a stretch. Each file associated with a process is allocated a unique number to identify it. This is known as the file descriptor. Whenever an action is required to be performed on a file, the file descriptor is used to identify the file. These values are always used for stdin, stdout, and stderr: 0: stdin 1: stdout 2: stderr



它还应该用于为运行命令的用户而不是数据的任何潜在下游消费者提供的信息性消息(例如,如果您运行一个连接多个命令的shell管道,您不希望像“获取42424的item 30”这样的信息性消息出现在stdout上,因为它们会混淆消费者,但您可能仍然希望用户看到它们。


"All programs placed diagnostics on the standard output. This had always caused trouble when the output was redirected into a file, but became intolerable when the output was sent to an unsuspecting process. Nevertheless, unwilling to violate the simplicity of the standard-input-standard-output model, people tolerated this state of affairs through v6. Shortly thereafter Dennis Ritchie cut the Gordian knot by introducing the standard error file. That was not quite enough. With pipelines diagnostics could come from any of several programs running simultaneously. Diagnostics needed to identify themselves."





ls Documents ABC > dirlist 2>&1
#does not give the same output as 
ls Documents ABC > dirlist &>
