

用户Bob创建失败:没关系,我们只是向Bob返回一个错误消息。我们使用SQL事务,所以没有人在系统中看到Bob。一切都很好:) 用户Bob已经创建,但是在我们的钱包创建之前,我们的API网关硬崩溃了。我们现在有一个没有钱包的用户(数据不一致)。 创建了用户Bob,当我们创建钱包时,HTTP连接断开。钱包的创建可能成功,也可能失败。






This is a classic question I was asked during an interview recently How to call multiple web services and still preserve some kind of error handling in the middle of the task. Today, in high performance computing, we avoid two phase commits. I read a paper many years ago about what was called the "Starbuck model" for transactions: Think about the process of ordering, paying, preparing and receiving the coffee you order at Starbuck... I oversimplify things but a two phase commit model would suggest that the whole process would be a single wrapping transaction for all the steps involved until you receive your coffee. However, with this model, all employees would wait and stop working until you get your coffee. You see the picture ?



Don't be too fine when defining your web services (I am not convinced about the micro-service hype happening these days: too many risks of going too far); Async increases performance so prefer being async, send notifications by email whenever possible. Build more intelligent services to make them "recallable" any number of times, processing with an uid or taskid that will follow the order bottom-top until the end, validating business rules in each step; Use message queues (JMS or others) and divert to error handling processors that will apply operations to "rollback" by applying opposite operations, by the way, working with async order will require some sort of queue to validate the current state of the process, so consider that; In last resort, (since it may not happen often), put it in a queue for manual processing of errors.




Call Account creation microservice, pass it some information and a some unique task id 1.1 Account creation microservice will first check if that account was already created. A task id is associated with the account's record. The microservice detects that the account does not exist so it creates it and stores the task id. NOTE: this service can be called 2000 times, it will always perform the same result. The service answers with a "receipt that contains minimal information to perform an undo operation if required". Call Wallet creation, giving it the account ID and task id. Let's say a condition is not valid and the wallet creation cannot be performed. The call returns with an error but nothing was created. The orchestrator is informed of the error. It knows it needs to abort the Account creation but it will not do it itself. It will ask the wallet service to do it by passing its "minimal undo receipt" received at the end of step 1. The Account service reads the undo receipt and knows how to undo the operation; the undo receipt may even include information about another microservice it could have called itself to do part of the job. In this situation, the undo receipt could contain the Account ID and possibly some extra information required to perform the opposite operation. In our case, to simplify things, let's say is simply delete the account using its account id. Now, let's say the web service never received the success or failure (in this case) that the Account creation's undo was performed. It will simply call the Account's undo service again. And this service should normaly never fail because its goal is for the account to no longer exist. So it checks if it exists and sees nothing can be done to undo it. So it returns that the operation is a success. The web service returns to the user that the account could not be created.

This is a synchronous example. We could have managed it in a different way and put the case into a message queue targeted to the help desk if we don't want the system to completly recover the error". I've seen this being performed in a company where not enough hooks could be provided to the back end system to correct situations. The help desk received messages containing what was performed successfully and had enough information to fix things just like our undo receipt could be used for in a fully automated way.






Traditionally, distributed transaction managers are used. A few years ago in the Java EE world you might have created these services as EJBs which were deployed to different nodes and your API gateway would have made remote calls to those EJBs. The application server (if configured correctly) automatically ensures, using two phase commit, that the transaction is either committed or rolled back on each node, so that consistency is guaranteed. But that requires that all the services be deployed on the same type of application server (so that they are compatible) and in reality only ever worked with services deployed by a single company.


对于SOAP(好吧,不是REST),有WS-AT规范,但我曾经集成过的任何服务都不支持该规范。对于REST, JBoss已经准备好了一些东西。否则,“模式”是要么找到一个可以插入到您的体系结构中的产品,要么构建您自己的解决方案(不推荐)。

我已经为Java EE发布了这样一个产品:https://github.com/maxant/genericconnector





As you suggest, you could use a transactional message queue, but it will be asynchronous, so if you depend on the response it becomes messy. You could write the fact that you need to call the back end services into your database, and then call the back end services using a batch. Again, async, so can get messy. You could use a business process engine as your API gateway to orchestrate the back end microservices. You could use remote EJB, as mentioned at the start, since that supports distributed transactions out of the box.





