


Primary Key: Collection of minimum number of columns which can uniquely identify every row in a table (i.e. no two rows are similar in all the columns constituting primary key). There can be more than one primary key in a table. If there exists a unique-key then it is primary key (not "the" primary key) in the table. If there does not exist a unique key then more than one column values will be required to identify a row like (first_name, last_name, father_name, mother_name) can in some tables constitute primary key.




Primary Key: Collection of minimum number of columns which can uniquely identify every row in a table (i.e. no two rows are similar in all the columns constituting primary key). There can be more than one primary key in a table. If there exists a unique-key then it is primary key (not "the" primary key) in the table. If there does not exist a unique key then more than one column values will be required to identify a row like (first_name, last_name, father_name, mother_name) can in some tables constitute primary key.


主键用于处理不同的表。这是关系数据库的基础。如果你有一个图书数据库,最好创建2个表- 1)图书和2)作者,INT主键“id”。然后在books中使用id而不是作者的名字。







可以有多个值为空。 任何两个元组在唯一键中都不能有相同的值。 一个或多个唯一键可以组合成一个主键,反之则不行。


可以包含多个唯一键。 唯一表示一个元组。

KEY和INDEX是MySQL中的同义词。它们是同一个意思。在数据库中,您可以使用索引来提高数据检索的速度。索引通常创建在JOIN、WHERE和ORDER BY子句中使用的列上。

Imagine you have a table called users and you want to search for all the users which have the last name 'Smith'. Without an index, the database would have to go through all the records of the table: this is slow, because the more records you have in your database, the more work it has to do to find the result. On the other hand, an index will help the database skip quickly to the relevant pages where the 'Smith' records are held. This is very similar to how we, humans, go through a phone book directory to find someone by the last name: We don't start searching through the directory from cover to cover, as long we inserted the information in some order that we can use to skip quickly to the 'S' pages.

