-e或——editable选项在pip install中什么时候有用?

对于一些项目,requirements.txt中的最后一行是-e ..它到底是做什么的?


It is important to note that pip uninstall can not uninstall a module that has been installed with pip install -e. So if you go down this route, be prepared for things to get very messy if you ever need to uninstall. A partial solution is to (1) reinstall, keeping a record of files created, as in sudo python3 -m setup.py install --record installed_files.txt, and then (2) manually delete all the files listed, as in e.g. sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tdc7201-0.1a2-py3.7.egg/ (for release 0.1a2 of module tdc7201). This does not 100% clean everything up however; even after you've done it, importing the (removed!) local library may succeed, and attempting to install the same version from a remote server may fail to do anything (because it thinks your (deleted!) local version is already up to date).


正如在前面的回答中所建议的,没有创建任何符号链接。 “-e”选项是如何工作的?->它只是更新“PYTHONDIR/site-packages/easy-install.pth”文件,使用'command pip install -e'中指定的项目路径。 所以每次python搜索一个包时,它也会检查这个目录=>,这个目录中文件的任何更改都会立即反映出来。



cd ~
git clone https://github.com/cirosantilli/vcdvcd
cd vcdvcd
git checkout 5dd4205c37ed0244ecaf443d8106fadb2f9cfbb8
python -m pip install --editable . --user


Obtaining file:///home/ciro/bak/git/vcdvcd
Installing collected packages: vcdvcd
  Attempting uninstall: vcdvcd
    Found existing installation: vcdvcd 1.0.6
    Can't uninstall 'vcdvcd'. No files were found to uninstall.
  Running setup.py develop for vcdvcd
Successfully installed vcdvcd-1.0.6








python -c 'import vcdvcd'





python -m pip uninstall vcdvcd
python -m pip install --user .




在Python 3.8中测试,pip 20.0.2, Ubuntu 20.04。






虽然不是必需的,但在本地安装项目是很常见的 “可编辑”或“开发”模式。这允许 您的项目将以项目形式安装和编辑。 假设你在项目目录的根目录下,然后运行: PIP install -e。 尽管有些晦涩,-e是 ——可编辑的,和。指的是当前工作目录,所以放在一起,就意味着要安装当前目录(即您的 项目)在可编辑模式。


Under normal circumstances, the distutils assume that you are going to build a distribution of your project, not use it in its “raw” or “unbuilt” form. If you were to use the distutils that way, you would have to rebuild and reinstall your project every time you made a change to it during development. Another problem that sometimes comes up with the distutils is that you may need to do development on two related projects at the same time. You may need to put both projects’ packages in the same directory to run them, but need to keep them separate for revision control purposes. How can you do this? Setuptools allows you to deploy your projects for use in a common directory or staging area, but without copying any files. Thus, you can edit each project’s code in its checkout directory, and only need to run build commands when you change a project’s C extensions or similarly compiled files. You can even deploy a project into another project’s checkout directory, if that’s your preferred way of working (as opposed to using a common independent staging area or the site-packages directory). To do this, use the setup.py develop command. It works very similarly to setup.py install, except that it doesn’t actually install anything. Instead, it creates a special .egg-link file in the deployment directory, that links to your project’s source code. And, if your deployment directory is Python’s site-packages directory, it will also update the easy-install.pth file to include your project’s source code, thereby making it available on sys.path for all programs using that Python installation.


-e,--editable <path/url>
     Install a project in editable mode (i.e.  setuptools "develop mode") from a local project path or a VCS url.




pip install -e .


pip install -e ~/ultimate-utils/ultimate-utils-proj-src/


It is important to note that pip uninstall can not uninstall a module that has been installed with pip install -e. So if you go down this route, be prepared for things to get very messy if you ever need to uninstall. A partial solution is to (1) reinstall, keeping a record of files created, as in sudo python3 -m setup.py install --record installed_files.txt, and then (2) manually delete all the files listed, as in e.g. sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tdc7201-0.1a2-py3.7.egg/ (for release 0.1a2 of module tdc7201). This does not 100% clean everything up however; even after you've done it, importing the (removed!) local library may succeed, and attempting to install the same version from a remote server may fail to do anything (because it thinks your (deleted!) local version is already up to date).