



注意:我之所以说C和其他命令式语言有点类似于图灵机(但没有到Haskell类似于Lambda Calculus的程度),是因为在命令式语言中,您有有限数量的状态(也就是行号),以及一个磁带(ram),这样状态和当前磁带就决定了对磁带做什么。关于从图灵机到计算机的转变,请参阅维基百科的条目,图灵机等价物。



A second wave of designs emerged based on graph reduction, and opened up the possibility for much more efficient compilation. Simon Peyton Jones wrote about this research in his two books The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages and Implementing functional languages: a tutorial (the former with sections by Wadler and Hancock, and the latter written with David Lester). (Lennart Augustsson also informed me that one key motivation for the former book was describing the way that his LML compiler, which was not extensively commented, accomplished its compilation).

The key notion behind graph reduction approaches such as described in these works is that we do not think of a program as a sequence of instructions, but of a dependency graph which is evaluated through a series of local reductions. The second key insight is that the evaluation of such a graph need not be interpreted but instead the graph itself can be built of code. In particular, we can represent a node of a graph not as "either a value or an 'opcode' and the values to operate on" but instead as a function that when invoked, returns the desired value. The first time it is invoked, it asks the subnodes for their values and then operates on them, and then it overwrites itself with a new instruction that just says "return the result."

这在后来的一篇论文中描述了GHC如何在今天仍然工作的基础(尽管进行了许多不同的调整):“在库存硬件上实现惰性函数语言:无标签的G-Machine”。GHC的当前执行模型在GHC Wiki中有更详细的文档。



On top of this there are many other optimizations opened up by purity in particular, as it allows a greater range of "safe" transformations. When and how to apply these transformations such that they make things better and not worse is of course an empirical question, and on this and many other small choices, years of work have been put into both theoretical work and practical benchmarking. So this of course plays a role as well. A paper that provides a good example of this sort of research is "Making a Fast Curry: Push/Enter vs. Eval/Apply for Higher-Order Languages."

最后,应该注意的是,由于间接,该模型仍然引入了开销。这可以避免在我们知道严格地做事情是“安全的”的情况下,从而省略图的间接。GHC Wiki中再次详细记录了推断严格/要求的机制。

















例如,f x = [x]和f = pure在Haskell中是完全相同的东西。在前一种情况下,好的编译器不会产生更好的性能。


简单的回答是“因为它就是这样设计的。”GHC使用无刺无标签g-machine (STG)。你可以在这里阅读一篇关于它的论文(它相当复杂)。GHC还做了很多其他的事情,比如严格性分析和乐观评估。

我之所以说C和其他命令式语言有点类似于图灵机(但没有到Haskell类似于Lambda Calculus的程度),是因为在命令式语言中,您有有限数量的状态(也就是行号),以及一个磁带(ram),这样状态和当前磁带就决定了对磁带做什么。



A second wave of designs emerged based on graph reduction, and opened up the possibility for much more efficient compilation. Simon Peyton Jones wrote about this research in his two books The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages and Implementing functional languages: a tutorial (the former with sections by Wadler and Hancock, and the latter written with David Lester). (Lennart Augustsson also informed me that one key motivation for the former book was describing the way that his LML compiler, which was not extensively commented, accomplished its compilation).

The key notion behind graph reduction approaches such as described in these works is that we do not think of a program as a sequence of instructions, but of a dependency graph which is evaluated through a series of local reductions. The second key insight is that the evaluation of such a graph need not be interpreted but instead the graph itself can be built of code. In particular, we can represent a node of a graph not as "either a value or an 'opcode' and the values to operate on" but instead as a function that when invoked, returns the desired value. The first time it is invoked, it asks the subnodes for their values and then operates on them, and then it overwrites itself with a new instruction that just says "return the result."

这在后来的一篇论文中描述了GHC如何在今天仍然工作的基础(尽管进行了许多不同的调整):“在库存硬件上实现惰性函数语言:无标签的G-Machine”。GHC的当前执行模型在GHC Wiki中有更详细的文档。



On top of this there are many other optimizations opened up by purity in particular, as it allows a greater range of "safe" transformations. When and how to apply these transformations such that they make things better and not worse is of course an empirical question, and on this and many other small choices, years of work have been put into both theoretical work and practical benchmarking. So this of course plays a role as well. A paper that provides a good example of this sort of research is "Making a Fast Curry: Push/Enter vs. Eval/Apply for Higher-Order Languages."

最后,应该注意的是,由于间接,该模型仍然引入了开销。这可以避免在我们知道严格地做事情是“安全的”的情况下,从而省略图的间接。GHC Wiki中再次详细记录了推断严格/要求的机制。

我同意Dietrich Epp的观点:GHC的快速是由几个因素共同作用的结果。


Think about SQL. Now, when I write a SELECT statement, it might look like an imperative loop, but it isn't. It might look like it loops over all rows in that table trying to find the one that matches the specified conditions, but actually the "compiler" (the DB engine) could be doing an index lookup instead — which has completely different performance characteristics. But because SQL is so high-level, the "compiler" can substitute totally different algorithms, apply multiple processors or I/O channels or entire servers transparently, and more.

I think of Haskell as being the same. You might think you just asked Haskell to map the input list to a second list, filter the second list into a third list, and then count how many items resulted. But you didn't see GHC apply stream-fusion rewrite rules behind the scenes, transforming the entire thing into a single tight machine code loop that does the whole job in a single pass over the data with no allocation — the kind of thing that would be tedious, error-prone and non-maintainable to write by hand. That's only really possible because of the lack of low-level details in the code.




You say it sounds slow to "create functions on the fly at run-time", but if you look very carefully, you don't actually do that. It might look like you do, but you don't. If you say (+5), well, that's hard-coded into your source code. It cannot change at run-time. So it's not really a dynamic function. Even curried functions are really just saving parameters into a data block. All the executable code actually exists at compile-time; there is no run-time interpretation. (Unlike some other languages that have an "eval function".)




例如,我写了一个简单的小程序来计算每个字节在文件中出现的次数。对于一个25KB的输入文件,该程序运行了20分钟,占用了6gb的RAM!这是荒谬的! !但后来我意识到问题所在,添加了一个刘海图案,运行时间下降到0.02秒。


