Jikes RVM,一个广泛用于研究目的的自托管JVM,是用Java编写的。它不是人们在桌面上运行的那种,但它在我的“现在让我们展示一下这种语言的强大功能”列表中名列前茅。
The Sun JVM is written in C, although this need not be the case - the JVM as it runs on your machine is a platform-dependent executable and hence could have been originally written in any language. For example, the original IBM JVM was written in Smalltalk The Java libraries (java.lang, java.util etc, often referred to as the Java API) are themselves written in Java, although methods marked as native will have been written in C or C++. I believe that the Java compiler provided by Sun is also written in Java. (Although again, there are multiple compilers out there)
假设您谈论的是Hotspot JVM,它是Sun提供的iirc,它是用c++编写的。有关Java的各种虚拟机的更多信息,可以查看这个链接。 javac,像大多数Java编译器一样,是用Java编写的。
实际上,Oracle JVM是用c++编写的,而不是C。
看看HotSpot JVM代码:
第一个Java编译器是由Sun Microsystems开发的,用C语言编写,使用了c++中的一些库。今天,Java编译器是用Java编写的,而JRE是用C编写的。
When Java was introduced by Sun Microsystem, the java compiler was written in C using some libraries from C++. As there is a concept in Compiler Design called Bootstrapping, Mostly it is used in Compiler Development, Bootstrapping is the process of writing a compiler(Or Assembler) In the source programming language which it is intended to compile. It is used to produce a self-hosting compiler. The development of compilers for new Programming languages first developed in an existing language and then rewritten in the new language and compiled by itself. That's why today, Java compiler is written in Java itself. Java Virtual Machine: Java virtual machine is an abstract machine. Like a real computing machine, It has an instruction set and manipulates various memory areas of runtime. Usually, JVM interprets the byte code into Machine code.
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