



但是这52个错误仍然存在,在工具-> NuGet包管理器->管理解决方案的NuGet包中,解决方案上没有安装任何东西,我最近更新了我的VS2017到15.5.4


For me it turned out to be a nuget source credentials problem. I had recently changed my password for accessing a nexus server and visual studio was still using the old password when trying to access a nuget on that server through the windows credential manager. To fix it, I had to delete the entry for those outdated credentials in the credential manager and after, when I did a nuget restore, it prompted me for a password letting me enter the new password, which got saved in the credential manager again. You can access the credential manager from the cmd line using CmdKey.exe.




You may encounter build errors due to missing files, with a message saying to use NuGet restore to download them. However, running a restore might say, "All packages are already installed and there is nothing to restore." In this case, delete the packages folder (when using packages.config) or the obj/project.assets.json file (when using PackageReference) and run restore again. If the error still persists, use nuget locals all -clear or dotnet nuget locals all --clear from the command line to clear the global-packages and cache folders as described on Managing the global packages and cache folders.

选择工具> NuGet包管理器>包管理器控制台


dotnet restore <project or solution name>

在Azure DevOps中,当我在构建管道中设置“Visual Studio Build”任务来构建我的解决方案中的单个项目,而不是整个解决方案时,我在这个错误上浪费了几个小时。


我的解决方案是从使用VS Build任务切换到MSBuild任务。为单个项目使用MSBuild任务可以正确地构建您正在构建的项目引用的任何项目,并消除此错误。

如果只是恢复NuGet包不工作,确保在工具->选项-> NuGet包管理器->通用下的包恢复,“允许NuGet下载丢失的包”是选中的。


在我的案例中,我遇到了可用包源的问题。我已经将本地nuget存储库文件夹移动到一个新的路径,但我没有在nuget可用包源中更新它。当我纠正了路径问题,更新它在可用的包源之后,一切(nuget restor等)都工作正常。