


;; Reload Emacs configuration
(defun reload-init-file ()
  (load-file "~/.emacs"))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") 'reload-init-file)


在init文件中定义它,并通过M-x reload-user-init-file调用

(defun reload-user-init-file()
  (load-file user-init-file))


. ~/.emacs


这里有一个快速和简单的方法来快速测试您的配置。您还可以在特定的lisp末尾使用C-x C-e来单独执行某些函数。

C-x C-e runs the command eval-last-sexp (found in global-map), which is an interactive compiled Lisp function. It is bound to C-x C-e. (eval-last-sexp EVAL-LAST-SEXP-ARG-INTERNAL) Evaluate sexp before point; print value in the echo area. Interactively, with prefix argument, print output into current buffer. Normally, this function truncates long output according to the value of the variables ‘eval-expression-print-length’ and ‘eval-expression-print-level’. With a prefix argument of zero, however, there is no such truncation. Such a prefix argument also causes integers to be printed in several additional formats (octal, hexadecimal, and character). If ‘eval-expression-debug-on-error’ is non-nil, which is the default, this command arranges for all errors to enter the debugger.

你通常可以重新计算改变的区域。标记~/区域。然后使用M-x eval-region RET。这通常比重新评估整个文件更安全,因为很容易编写一个.emacs文件,在加载两次后就不能正常工作。

除了M-x eval-buffer或M-x load-file这样的命令,您还可以从命令行重新启动一个新的Emacs实例:

emacs -q --load "init.el"

使用示例:GNU Emacs中的公司后端