"name": "My Project",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"express": "3.x",
"mongoose": "3.x"
"devDependencies" : {
"should": "*"
/* "mocha": "*" not needed as should be globally installed */
上面的示例注释在npm崩溃时不起作用。我还尝试了// style注释。
module.exports = {
scripts: {
// makes sure e2e webdrivers are up to date
postinstall: 'nps webdriver-update',
// run the webpack dev server and open it in browser on port 7000
server: 'webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --port 7000 --open',
// start webpack dev server with full reload on each change
default: 'nps server',
// start webpack dev server with hot module replacement
hmr: 'nps server -- --hot',
// generates icon font via a gulp task
iconFont: 'gulp default --gulpfile src/deps/build-scripts/gulp-icon-font.js',
// No longer used
// copyFonts: 'copyfiles -f src/app/glb/font/webfonts/**/* dist/1-0-0/font'
我只是做了一个本地安装npm安装nps -save-dev,并把它放在我的包。json脚本。
"scripts": {
"start": "nps",
"test": "nps test"
"name": "package name",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "package description",
"scripts": {
"start": "npm install && node server.js"
"scriptsComments": {
"start": "Runs development build on a local server configured by server.js"
"dependencies": {
"ajv": "^5.2.2"
"dependenciesComments": {
"ajv": "JSON-Schema Validator for validation of API data"
As of pnpm 7.17.1, which was just released, you can switch to pnpm for package management, move your package.json to package.json5, and comments in package.json5 are allowed and will be preserved by pnpm. Note however that for publishing as a package to use on the npm registry (for example), a package.json5 will not be recognized by other package managers and I doubt by all of the registry's processing. So you would have to convert the package.json5 to a package.json before publishing. On the other hand, for "top-level applications" that are unlikely to be included as packages in other projects, a package.json5 seems to work just fine, as long as you then stick with pnpm as your package manager.
const templateData = require('../package.json');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const outputPath = __dirname + '/../package-json-comments.md';
const srcTemplatePath = __dirname + '/package-json-comments/package-json-comments.hbs';
Handlebars.registerHelper('objlist', function() {
// The first argument is an object, and the list is a set of keys for that obj
const obj = arguments[0];
const list = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).slice(0,-1);
const mdList = list.map(function(k) {
return '* ' + k + ': ' + obj[k];
return new Handlebars.SafeString(mdList.join("\n"));
fs.readFile(srcTemplatePath, 'utf8', function(err, srcTemplate){
if (err) throw err;
const template = Handlebars.compile(srcTemplate);
const content = template(templateData);
fs.writeFile(outputPath, content, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
### Dependency Comments
For package: {{ name }}: {{version}}
#### Current Core Packages
should be safe to update
{{{objlist dependencies
#### Lagging Core Packages
breaks current code if updated
{{{objlist dependencies
#### Major version change
Not tested yet
{{{objlist dependencies
根据创建npm的Isaac Schlueter的说法:
... "//"键永远不会被NPM用于任何目的,它是为注释保留的…如果想使用多行注释,可以使用数组或多个“//”键。
当使用你常用的工具(npm, yarn等)时,多个“//”键将被移除。这生存:
{ "//": [
"first line",
"second line" ] }
{ "//": "this is the first line of a comment",
"//": "this is the second line of the comment" }
“/ /”:“评论!”
“/ /”:“评论?”