
例如:我禁用了所有我不需要的插件(Mylyn, Subclipse,…)



关闭大纲视图以加快编辑器之间的切换。 每次切换到不同的选项卡或打开一个文件时,大纲视图都必须更新,在我的机器上,每次更新大约需要1秒钟。这只是1秒钟,但如果你经常换标签,就像我一样,这将省去你的头痛。


确保使用Sun JVM运行Eclipse。

在Linux上,特别是Ubuntu上,默认安装Eclipse以使用开源的GCJ,而GCJ的性能要差得多。使用update-alternatives——config java切换到Sun JVM,可以大大提高Eclipse中的UI的快快性。


Any unused plugins installed in Eclipse, should uninstall them. -- Few plugins makes a lot much weight to Eclipse. Open current working project and close the remaining project. If there is any any dependency among them, just open while running. If all are Maven projects, then with miner local change in pom files, you can make them individual projects also. If you are working on independent projects, then always work on any one project in a workspace. Don't keep multiple projects in single workspace. Change the type filters. It facilitates to specify particular packages to refer always. As per my experience, don't change memory JVM parameters. It causes a lot of unknown issues except when you have sound knowledge of JVM parameters. Un-check auto build always. Particulary, Maven project's auto build is useless. Close all the files opened, just open current working files. Use Go Into Work sets. Instead of complete workbench. Most of the components of your application you can implement and test in standalone also. Learn how to run in standalone without need of server deploy, this makes your work simple and fast. -- Recently, I worked on hibernate entities for my project, two days, I did on server. i.e. I changed in entities and again build and deployed on the server, it killing it all my time. So, then I created a simple JPA standalone application, and I completed my work very fast.








我也遇到过类似的减速,这个修复只适用于使用Eclipse的C/ c++变体的情况。对于C/ c++,你可能想要禁用索引器,它以占用CPU而闻名。它相当于VS智能感知。 要禁用CDT索引器,请进入Window->Preferences,在C/ c++选项卡下选择indexer并取消选中启用索引器。