
例如:我禁用了所有我不需要的插件(Mylyn, Subclipse,…)



I also tuned vmargs and stuff. But what really sped up Eclipse on Windows is the "proper" configuration of the anti-virus software. You have to disable the on-demand scanning of packed files. jar files, and many files related to java are packed with PKZIP algorithm to spare space. Because Eclipse uses tons of java files, an anti-virus attempts to individually unpack and scan every one of them. So for Windows platform: turn off the on-demand scanning of packed files, otherwise Eclipse will be unusably slow. Please keep in mind, that disabling this unfortunately makes your system weaker against attacks, most of the malware use packers.



Any unused plugins installed in Eclipse, should uninstall them. -- Few plugins makes a lot much weight to Eclipse. Open current working project and close the remaining project. If there is any any dependency among them, just open while running. If all are Maven projects, then with miner local change in pom files, you can make them individual projects also. If you are working on independent projects, then always work on any one project in a workspace. Don't keep multiple projects in single workspace. Change the type filters. It facilitates to specify particular packages to refer always. As per my experience, don't change memory JVM parameters. It causes a lot of unknown issues except when you have sound knowledge of JVM parameters. Un-check auto build always. Particulary, Maven project's auto build is useless. Close all the files opened, just open current working files. Use Go Into Work sets. Instead of complete workbench. Most of the components of your application you can implement and test in standalone also. Learn how to run in standalone without need of server deploy, this makes your work simple and fast. -- Recently, I worked on hibernate entities for my project, two days, I did on server. i.e. I changed in entities and again build and deployed on the server, it killing it all my time. So, then I created a simple JPA standalone application, and I completed my work very fast.


I also tuned vmargs and stuff. But what really sped up Eclipse on Windows is the "proper" configuration of the anti-virus software. You have to disable the on-demand scanning of packed files. jar files, and many files related to java are packed with PKZIP algorithm to spare space. Because Eclipse uses tons of java files, an anti-virus attempts to individually unpack and scan every one of them. So for Windows platform: turn off the on-demand scanning of packed files, otherwise Eclipse will be unusably slow. Please keep in mind, that disabling this unfortunately makes your system weaker against attacks, most of the malware use packers.






右键单击项目并选择首选项。 选择生成路径设置并删除项目文件夹。 然后只添加包含源代码和库代码的文件夹。