


确保你的电脑和安卓系统连接在同一个wifi上。 从你的手机启动adb服务器… 从playstore下载任何无线adb应用程序…这是我正在用的 无线ADB -空中调试 在您的计算机上启动CMD并运行: 代码(csharp): Adb连接192.168.1.100:5555 请确保将192.168.1.100替换为实际分配给设备的IP地址。

检查是否通过以下方式连接: 代码(csharp): 亚洲开发银行设备 4. 启动统一或重新启动,如果它已经运行并点击播放。





如何通过TCP连接到ADB的Android ?


要完成@usethe4ce的回答,如果您有多个设备或模拟器,adb tcpip 5555将给出错误:多个设备/模拟器。


亚洲开发银行设备 所附设备清单 33001229的设备 模拟器- 5554设备 Adb -s 33001229 tcpip 5555 在我的情况下,我可以从设备的wifi连接设置中找到它。 Adb connect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5555


Connect Android device and adb host computer to a common Wi-Fi network accessible to both. We have found that not all access points are suitable; you may need to use an access point whose firewall is configured properly to support adb. Connect the device with USB cable to host. Make sure adb is running in USB mode on host. $ adb usb restarting in USB mode Connect to the device over USB. $ adb devices List of devices attached ######## device Restart host adb in tcpip mode. $ adb tcpip 5555 restarting in TCP mode port: 5555 Find out the IP address of the Android device: Settings -> About tablet -> Status -> IP address. Remember the IP address, of the form #.#.#.#. sometimes its not possible to find the IP-address of the android device, as in my case. so u can get it using adb as the following: $ adb shell netcfg and the should be in the last line of the result. Connect adb host to device: $ adb connect #.#.#.# connected to #.#.#.#:5555 Remove USB cable from device, and confirm you can still access device: $ adb devices List of devices attached #.#.#.#:5555 device



确保你的主机仍然连接到你的Android设备所在的Wi-Fi网络。 再次执行“adb connect”步骤重新连接。 或者如果这不起作用,重置你的adb主机: 亚行kill-server


1-为此,我认为你已经安装了最新版本的Android studio。如果没有,你可以从这里下载。

2 -可以在“环境变量”中设置平台工具路径(可选)。

3 -确保你的设备和电脑连接到同一个网络。

plug in the data cable from pc to device. Now, type adb tcpip 5555 remove data cable. Then type adb connect here 5555 is the port number and is the ip address of the mobile device you can get id address from the mobile settings . Then go to About device and go to status you can see the ip address of the device. You can connect multiple device from different ports which can give ease in development. Or you can go to this link for brief description with screenshots. http://blogssolutions.co.in/connect-your-android-phone-wirelessly-by-adb

使用ADB调试Android Wifi的步骤:

$> adb devices   // check all usb debuggable devices connected.

$> adb -d shell  // Access device shell.

shell> ifconfig  // Check and copy wifi ip-address eg:

shell> exit      // Exit from android device shell.

$> adb tcpip 5000   // open TCP port 5000 (or any available)

$> adb connect  // connect to device via wifi ip over specific TCP port.

$> adb devices   // you will get debuggabled android device over wifi.

必备:通过USB连接您的android设备到计算机 启用开发人员模式。同时将你的android设备和电脑连接起来 到同一个wifi路由器(或使用tethering)。