


I came across this issue when running a wordpress web site. I tried all sorts of things to fix it and wasn't sure how, ultimately the issue was because I was using DNS forwarding with masking, and the links to external sites were not being addressed properly. i.e. my site was hosted at http://123.456.789/index.html but was masked to run at http://somewebSite.com/index.html. When i entered http://123.456.789/index.html in the browser clicking on those same links resulted in no X-frame-origins issues in the JS console, but running http://somewebSite.com/index.html did. In order to properly mask you must add your host's DNS name servers to your domain service, i.e. godaddy.com should have name servers of example, ns1.digitalocean.com, ns2.digitalocean.com, ns3.digitalocean.com, if you were using digitalocean.com as your hosting service.




我使用的是Tomcat 8.0.30,没有一个建议对我有效。当我们希望更新X-Frame-Options并将其设置为允许时,以下是我如何配置允许嵌入iframes:

进入Tomcat conf目录,编辑web.xml文件 添加下面的过滤器:



重启Tomcat服务 使用iFrame访问资源。

I came across this issue when running a wordpress web site. I tried all sorts of things to fix it and wasn't sure how, ultimately the issue was because I was using DNS forwarding with masking, and the links to external sites were not being addressed properly. i.e. my site was hosted at http://123.456.789/index.html but was masked to run at http://somewebSite.com/index.html. When i entered http://123.456.789/index.html in the browser clicking on those same links resulted in no X-frame-origins issues in the JS console, but running http://somewebSite.com/index.html did. In order to properly mask you must add your host's DNS name servers to your domain service, i.e. godaddy.com should have name servers of example, ns1.digitalocean.com, ns2.digitalocean.com, ns3.digitalocean.com, if you were using digitalocean.com as your hosting service.


<IfModule headers_module>
    <IfVersion >= 2.4.7 >
        Header always setifempty X-Frame-Options GOFORIT
    <IfVersion < 2.4.7 >
        Header always merge X-Frame-Options GOFORIT



报头总是设置X-Frame-Options DENY


报头总是设置X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN