Bash (Bash)、Z shell (zsh)、Fish (Fish)等shell语言和上面的脚本语言之间有什么区别,使它们更适合于shell?




正如s .洛特所解释的,这个问题需要一些澄清。我问的是shell语言和脚本语言的特性。因此,比较不是关于各种交互(REPL)环境的特征,如历史记录和命令行替换。这个问题的另一种表达方式是:



这些答案激励我接管基于perl的shell Zoidberg的维护工作。经过一些修复后,它又可以使用了!




ls -laR /usr

not"/usr", long=True, all=True, recursive=True)


此外,shell中的编程构造是一个附加组件,甚至不总是内置的。例如,考虑Bash或Bourne shell (sh)中if和[的组合,用于生成序列的seq,等等。



By modern standards, its syntax is atrocious and its weird rules and punctuation-as-statement style (useful in the 1970s when every byte counted) make it hard for non-admins to penetrate it. But it did the job. The flaws and shortcomings were addressed by evolutionary improvements in its descendants (ksh, bash, zsh) without having to reconceive the ideas behind it. Admins stuck to the core syntax because, weird as it was, nothing else handled the simple stuff better without getting in the way.

For complex stuff, Perl came along and morphed into a sort of half-admin, half-application language. But the more complex something gets, the more it's seen as an application rather than admin work, so the business people tend to look for "programmers" rather than "admins" to do it, despite the fact that the right kind of geek tends to be both. So that's where the focus went, and the evolutionary improvements to the application capabilities of Perl resulted in...well, Python and Ruby. (That's an oversimplification, but Perl was one of several inspirations for both languages.)

结果呢?专业化。管理员们倾向于认为现代解释性语言对于他们每天的工作来说太重量级了。总的来说,他们是对的。他们不需要对象。他们不关心数据结构。他们需要命令。他们需要胶水。没有什么比Bourne shell概念更好地尝试执行命令了(除了Tcl,这里已经提到过);伯恩已经足够好了。

Programmers -- who nowadays are having to learn about devops more and more -- look at the limitations of the Bourne shell and wonder how the hell anyone could put up with it. But the tools they know, while they certainly lean towards the Unixish style of I/O and file operations, aren't better for the purpose. I've written things like backup scripts and file renaming one-offs in Ruby, because I know it better than I know bash, but any dedicated admin could do the same thing in bash -- probably in fewer lines and with less overhead, but either way, it'd work just as well.



对于Windows用户,我还没有感觉到对PowerShell的需求,因为我仍然使用JP Software的4NT(现在是Take Command Console)。它是一个非常好的shell,具有很多编程功能。所以它结合了两个世界的优点。

例如,当您研究IRB (Ruby解释器)时,一定很有可能使用更多的一行程序来扩展它,以执行日常脚本化或大规模文件管理,以及处理分钟级任务。


Not long ago a friend asked me how to recursively search his PHP scripts for a string. He had a lot of big binary files and templates in those directories that could have really bogged down a plain grep. I couldn't think of a way to use grep to make this happen, so I figured using find and grep together would be my best bet. find . -name "*.php" -exec grep 'search_string' {} \; -print Here's the above file search reworked in Ruby: Dir['**/*.php'].each do |path| path ) do |f| f.grep( /search_string/ ) do |line| puts path, ':', line end end end Your first reaction may be, "Well, that's quite a bit wordier than the original." And I just have to shrug and let it be. "It's a lot easier to extend," I say. And it works across platforms.