


I am the developer for Coupious mobile coupons iPhone app and with the amount of time that I spent on that application (v1.0 - v1.5), it was probably a $15,000 - $20,000 investment. However, to be fair, I do admit that I was the only developer working on it and when I started the project, I had never seen or used Objective-C before. Despite that, three months later, it was released so the numbers are probably a little skewed because there was a fair amount of learning going on as well as coding.





开发Twitterific这样的应用程序并不容易。这是一个非常精致的应用程序,非常注重细节,大多数人——实际上是许多开发人员——都没有注意到或意识到背后的努力。你或许可以通过海外开发或“与没有经验的开发者合作”,以3500美元或5000美元的价格编写Twitter iPhone客户端,但你不会因此获得Twitterific的服务,而且花这么多钱你甚至连一个像样的应用程序都做不到。



By virtue of my books and blog, people often reach out to me when they need help with their iPhone applications. I get, on average, 4 or 5 inquiries a month from people asking for help fixing applications they had developed either over-seas or by inexperienced developers here in the States. In most cases, I end up having to tell them they'd be better off throwing their code out and starting over with a developer who knows what they're doing rather than trying to fix the code they bought on the cheap. If they insist on trying to "fix" what they have, I decline the work.


Appsamuck iPhone教程的目标是31天的教程,最后是31个为iPhone开发的小应用程序,所有源代码都可以下载。他们还提供商业服务来构建应用程序!



iPad版《River of News》花了大约400个小时开发1.0版本,我不知道我的设计师花了多少时间(20-50个?)按照美国的劳动力价格,这至少是4万美元。但这种紧密的发展是可能的,因为它是一个人的操作。当你将编写代码的人和决定产品功能的人分开时,会增加大量的开销。


I am the developer for Coupious mobile coupons iPhone app and with the amount of time that I spent on that application (v1.0 - v1.5), it was probably a $15,000 - $20,000 investment. However, to be fair, I do admit that I was the only developer working on it and when I started the project, I had never seen or used Objective-C before. Despite that, three months later, it was released so the numbers are probably a little skewed because there was a fair amount of learning going on as well as coding.

