巴拉克·奥巴马的应用程序从第一个代码到发布花了22天的时间。3名开发者(尽管并非所有人都是全职开发者)。一共10个人。图500-1000工时。承包费率为每小时100-150美元。图50000 - 150000美元。将你的应用程序与奥巴马进行比较。应用和相应的规模。
I am the developer for Coupious mobile coupons iPhone app and with the amount of time that I spent on that application (v1.0 - v1.5), it was probably a $15,000 - $20,000 investment. However, to be fair, I do admit that I was the only developer working on it and when I started the project, I had never seen or used Objective-C before. Despite that, three months later, it was released so the numbers are probably a little skewed because there was a fair amount of learning going on as well as coding.
巴拉克·奥巴马的应用程序从第一个代码到发布花了22天的时间。3名开发者(尽管并非所有人都是全职开发者)。一共10个人。图500-1000工时。承包费率为每小时100-150美元。图50000 - 150000美元。将你的应用程序与奥巴马进行比较。应用和相应的规模。
iPad版《River of News》花了大约400个小时开发1.0版本,我不知道我的设计师花了多少时间(20-50个?)按照美国的劳动力价格,这至少是4万美元。但这种紧密的发展是可能的,因为它是一个人的操作。当你将编写代码的人和决定产品功能的人分开时,会增加大量的开销。
I am an account exec at a web and mobile development company and hear this question everyday. Unfortunately, iPhone apps are not cheap. You can expect around $100 per hour if you are staying on US soil. I have seen some offshore Indian developers out there for as low as $20 per hour. It all depends on the number and complexity of the functions you wish the app to perform. Simple one function apps are normally around 4-5k. They are so expensive because you are paying a team of people a healthy hourly wage and any type of raw prototyping, development, and coding takes time. Apps can exceed 60-100k pretty easily. Southwest Airlines making an app with a full ecommerce platform that allows you to buy tickets over your phone is an example. All of that porting into their IT is a big job.
And offshoring the project is definitely not always a better option. If you do so you better know who you are dealing with. Do not get me wrong there folks over there who do a bad ass job for a way better deal, but they are not that easy to find. Those guys could fuck around for 5 months on a simple project that would take 6 weeks here, or just not complete it at all and hand it over half finished. I have seen this scenario many times where we finish the work. The project management becomes a challenge. It can be difficult to communicate exactly what you want the app to do.
我是Twitterrific的开发者之一,老实说,我无法告诉你我在这款产品上投入了多少时间。我可以告诉你,每个人都对160个小时的开发时间和40个小时的设计时间的估算投了赞成票。(我想用另一个短语,但这是我在Stack Overflow上的第一篇文章,所以我很好。)
Twitterrific已经发布了4个主要版本,从iOS 1.0(越狱)开始。这是大量的代码,其中大部分都在位桶中(我们在每个主要版本中都进行了大量的重构)。
还有许多开发者忽视的其他成本:项目管理、测试和设备。同样,如果我们低报16000美元,我们就会得到250000美元。这个数字与乔纳森·怀特(@schwa)对奥巴马22天应用程序的5 -15万美元估计一致。