

对于iOS 5.1,这将进一步更改为new path



quit the simulator.

Run simulator from the dock by clicking on it.

Drag & drop the image into simulator which you want to add.

it will open image in safari .

tap and hold the image and click the save option.

then open gallery and you will see the image which u had saved recently.

使用Xcode 6+ (iOS Simulator 8.1及以上版本)附带的新iOS模拟器,这要容易得多。现在你所要做的就是把一张或多张照片拖到iOS模拟器窗口上,然后不是打开Safari浏览器,而是打开照片应用程序,并立即将所有拖进来的照片添加到设备中。

对于iOS 8.0,答案已经过时了。我在以下路径找到了媒体资源: ~ /图书馆/开发/ CoreSimulator /设备/[的DeviceID] /数据/媒体/ DCIM / 100苹果





通过到xCode->Devices,选择您的模拟器,并检查Identifier值来识别您的模拟器。或者,您可以确保模拟器正在运行,并运行以下命令获取设备ID xcrun simctl list | grep Booted

~ /图书馆/开发/ CoreSimulator /设备/(模拟器标识符)/数据/媒体/ DCIM / 100苹果

and add IMG_nnnn.THM and IMG_nnnn.JPG. You will then need to reset your simulator (Hardware->Reboot) to allow it to notice the new changes. It doesn't matter if they are not JPEGs - they can both be PNGs, but it appears that both of them must be present for it to work. You may need to create DCIM if it doesn't already exist, and in that case you should start nnnn from 0001. The JPG files are the fullsize version, while the THM files are the thumbnail, and are 75x75 pixels in size. I wrote a script to do this, but there's a better documented one over here(-link no longer work).
