你推荐Visual Studio 2010的哪些扩展? (请说明它是否免费,以及它的用途/功能)


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清洁项目-清洁Visual Studio解决方案

How many times have you wanted to send a project to a friend or upload it to a web site like MSDN Code Gallery only to find that your zip file has lots of stuff that you don't need to send in it making the file larger than it needs to be. bin folder obj folder TestResults folder Resharper folders And then if you forget about removing Source Control bindings whoever gets your project will be prompted about that. As someone who does this process a great deal I decided to share with you my code for cleaning a project.



Bundles the following extensions for the Visual Studio 2010 JScript editor Brace Matching Adds support for automatically highlighting the matching opening or closing brace to the one currently at the cursor. Supports matching parenthesis: (), square brackets: [], and curly braces: {}. Braces in strings, comments and regular expression literals are ignored. Outlining / Cold-folding Adds support for automatically creating outlining regions for JScript blocks. Blocks are detected via opening and closing curly braces. Braces in strings, comments and regular expression literals are ignored. Current Word Highlighting Adds support for highlighting all instances of the word currently at the cursor. IntelliSense Doc-Comments Support Adds support for the element in JScript IntelliSense doc-comments to allow display of new lines in IntelliSense tooltips.





我尝试安装comaid,它看起来是一个漂亮的插件,但我的Visual Studio响应变得非常慢。感觉有些线程在码女启动的时候一直在做一些工作。 现在先卸载。