How/when does one generate gradlew/gradlew.bat? Are you supposed to generate them only one time when the project is first created, do you generate them every time you commit/push changes? And how are they generated?
Same question above, but for the gradle/wrapper/* files (gradle-wrapper.jar and gradle-wrapper.properties)?
Some times I see other *.gradle files inside the project's gradle directory. What are these additional Gradle files and what do they represent/do? Custom plugins?
What is the difference in properties that go into settings.gradle vs what should be defined inside gradle.properties?
You generate it once, and again when you'd like to change the version of Gradle you use in the project. There's no need to generate is so often. Here are the docs. Just add wrapper task to build.gradle file and run this task to get the wrapper structure.
Mind that you need to have Gradle installed to generate a wrapper. Great tool for managing g-ecosystem artifacts is SDKMAN!. To generate a gradle wrapper, add the following piece of code to build.gradle file:
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.0' //version required
and run:
gradle wrapper
task. Add the resulting files to SCM (e.g. git) and from now all developers will have the same version of Gradle when using Gradle Wrapper.
With Gradle 2.4 (or higher) you can set up a wrapper without adding a dedicated task:
gradle wrapper --gradle-version 2.3
gradle wrapper --gradle-distribution-url https://myEnterpriseRepository:7070/gradle/distributions/gradle-2.3-bin.zip
All the details can be found here
在Gradle 3.1中,也可以使用distribution-type选项。选项包括binary、all和bin。所有额外包含源代码和文档。当使用IDE时,all也更好,因此编辑器工作得更好。缺点是构建可能会持续更长的时间(需要下载更多的数据,在CI服务器上毫无意义),它将占用更多的空间。
These are Gradle Wrapper files. You need to generate them once (for a particular version) and add to version control. If you need to change the version of Gradle Wrapper, change the version in build.gradle see (1.) and regenerate the files.
Give a detailed example. Such file may have multiple purposes: multi-module project, responsibility separation, slightly modified script, etc.
settings.gradle is responsible rather for structure of the project (modules, names, etc), while, gradle.properties is used for project's and Gradle's external details (version, command line arguments -XX, properties etc.)
You will generate them once, but update them if you need a new feature or something from a plugin which in turn needs a newer gradle version.
Easiest way to update:
as of Gradle 2.2 you can just download and extract the complete or binary Gradle distribution, and run:
$ <pathToExpandedZip>/bin/gradle wrapper
No need to define a task, though you probably need some kind of build.gradle file.
This will update or create the gradlew and gradlew.bat wrapper as well as gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties and the gradle-wrapper.jar to provide the current version of gradle, wrapped.
Those are all part of the wrapper.
Some build.gradle files reference other files or files in subdirectories which are sub projects or modules. It gets a bit complicated, but if you have one project you basically need the one file.
settings.gradle handles project, module and other kinds of names and settings, gradle.properties configures resusable variables for your gradle files if you like and you feel they would be clearer that way.