要创建永久别名快捷方式,请将其放在.bash_profile文件中,并将.bashrc文件指向.bash_profile文件。遵循以下步骤(我正在创建一个名为bnode的别名命令来在ES6代码上运行babel transpiler):
Go to terminal command prompt and type “cd” (this will take you to the home directory. Note: even though your programming files may be located on your “D: drive”, your “.bash” files may be located on your “C: drive” ) To see the location of the home directory, type “pwd” (this will show you the home directory path and where the .bash files are probably located) To see all dot "." files in the home directory, type “ls -la” (this will show ALL files including hidden dot "." files) You will see 2 files: “.bash_profile” and “.bashrc” Open .bashrc file in VS Code Editor or your IDE and enter “source ~/.bash_profile” in first line (to point .bashrc file to .bash_profile) Open .bash_profile file in VS Code Editor and enter “alias bnode='./node_modules/.bin/babel-node'” (to create permanent bnode shortcut to execute as bash command) Save and close both files Now open the file you want to execute (index.js) and open in terminal command prompt and run file by using command “bnode index.js” Now your index.js file will execute but before creating bnode alias in .bash_profile file you would get the error "bash: bnode command not found" and it would not recognize and give errors on some ES6 code. Helpful link to learn about dotfiles: https://dotfiles.github.io/
$ nano ~/.bash_profile
# in the bash_profile, insert the following texts:
alias pgst="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start"
alias pgsp="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop"
$ source ~/.bash_profile
### This will start the Postgres server
$ pgst
### This will stop the Postgres server
$ pgsp
由于这些文件是隐藏的,您必须执行ls -a命令来列出它们。如果你没有,你可以创建一个。
启动终端 输入cd ~/进入主文件夹 输入touch .bash_profile创建新文件。 使用您喜欢的编辑器编辑.bash_profile(或者您可以键入open -e .bash_profile在TextEdit中打开它。 输入. .bash_profile重新加载.bash_profile并更新您添加的任何别名。
cd /etc
sudo vi bashrc
alias ll="ls -lrt"
要创建永久别名快捷方式,请将其放在.bash_profile文件中,并将.bashrc文件指向.bash_profile文件。遵循以下步骤(我正在创建一个名为bnode的别名命令来在ES6代码上运行babel transpiler):
Go to terminal command prompt and type “cd” (this will take you to the home directory. Note: even though your programming files may be located on your “D: drive”, your “.bash” files may be located on your “C: drive” ) To see the location of the home directory, type “pwd” (this will show you the home directory path and where the .bash files are probably located) To see all dot "." files in the home directory, type “ls -la” (this will show ALL files including hidden dot "." files) You will see 2 files: “.bash_profile” and “.bashrc” Open .bashrc file in VS Code Editor or your IDE and enter “source ~/.bash_profile” in first line (to point .bashrc file to .bash_profile) Open .bash_profile file in VS Code Editor and enter “alias bnode='./node_modules/.bin/babel-node'” (to create permanent bnode shortcut to execute as bash command) Save and close both files Now open the file you want to execute (index.js) and open in terminal command prompt and run file by using command “bnode index.js” Now your index.js file will execute but before creating bnode alias in .bash_profile file you would get the error "bash: bnode command not found" and it would not recognize and give errors on some ES6 code. Helpful link to learn about dotfiles: https://dotfiles.github.io/
echo "alias blah=\"/usr/bin/blah\"" >>~/.bashrc
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