
[ { id: 1, username: 'fred' }, { id: 2, username: 'bill' }, { id: 2, username: 'ted' } ]




我喜欢Andy的回答,但是id不一定是唯一的,所以这里是我想出的创建唯一id的方法。也可以在jsfiddle上查看。请注意arr。如果之前已经删除了任何内容,length + 1可能无法保证唯一的ID。

var array = [ { id: 1, username: 'fred' }, { id: 2, username: 'bill' }, { id: 3, username: 'ted' } ];
var usedname = 'bill';
var newname = 'sam';

// don't add used name
console.log('before usedname: ' + JSON.stringify(array));
tryAdd(usedname, array);
console.log('before newname: ' + JSON.stringify(array));
tryAdd(newname, array);
console.log('after newname: ' + JSON.stringify(array));

function tryAdd(name, array) {
    var found = false;
    var i = 0;
    var maxId = 1;
    for (i in array) {
        // Check max id
        if (maxId <= array[i].id)
            maxId = array[i].id + 1;

        // Don't need to add if we find it
        if (array[i].username === name)
            found = true;

    if (!found)
        array[++i] = { id: maxId, username: name };



var arr = [{ id: 1, username: 'fred' }, 
  { id: 2, username: 'bill'}, 
  { id: 3, username: 'ted' }];

function userExists(username) {
  return arr.some(function(el) {
    return el.username === username;

console.log(userExists('fred')); // true
console.log(userExists('bred')); // false

但是当你必须向这个数组中添加一个新用户时,要做什么就不那么明显了。最简单的方法-只是推入一个id等于array的新元素。长度+ 1:

function addUser(username) {
  if (userExists(username)) {
    return false; 
  arr.push({ id: arr.length + 1, username: username });
  return true;

addUser('fred'); // false
addUser('bred'); // true, user `bred` added


我被赋予了一个条件来检查mysql数据库表中的数据,我的表的对象数组由id,纬度和经度作为列名,我必须检查位置是否在数据库中,否则将此插入到表中,这样: 我创建了一个由按钮调用的handle submit函数,

handle Submit = (event) => {
        const latitude = document.getElementById("latitude").innerHTML;
        const longitude = document.getElementById("longitude").innerHTML;
        const found = this.state.data.some((el) => el.latitude === latitude);
    if (!found) {
      Axios.post("http://localhost:3001/api/insert", {
        latitude: latitude,
        longitude: longitude,
      }).then(() => {
        alert("successful insert");
      console.log(latitude, longitude);



Const arr = [{id: 1,用户名:'fred'}, {id: 2,用户名:'bill'}, {id: 3,用户名:'ted'}]; 函数add(arr, name) { Const {length} = arr; Const id =长度+ 1; Const found = arr。求(el => el。用户名=== name); 如果(!发现)arr。推送({id,用户名:name}); 返回arr; } console.log(添加(arr“ted”)); console.log(添加(加勒比海盗,“黛西”));

function number_present_or_not() {
  var arr = [2, 5, 9, 67, 78, 8, 454, 4, 6, 79, 64, 688];
  var found = 6;
  var found_two;
  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    if (found == arr[i]) {
      found_two = arr[i];
  if (found_two == found) {
    console.log('number present in the array');
  } else {
    console.log('number not present in the array');

我喜欢Andy的回答,但是id不一定是唯一的,所以这里是我想出的创建唯一id的方法。也可以在jsfiddle上查看。请注意arr。如果之前已经删除了任何内容,length + 1可能无法保证唯一的ID。

var array = [ { id: 1, username: 'fred' }, { id: 2, username: 'bill' }, { id: 3, username: 'ted' } ];
var usedname = 'bill';
var newname = 'sam';

// don't add used name
console.log('before usedname: ' + JSON.stringify(array));
tryAdd(usedname, array);
console.log('before newname: ' + JSON.stringify(array));
tryAdd(newname, array);
console.log('after newname: ' + JSON.stringify(array));

function tryAdd(name, array) {
    var found = false;
    var i = 0;
    var maxId = 1;
    for (i in array) {
        // Check max id
        if (maxId <= array[i].id)
            maxId = array[i].id + 1;

        // Don't need to add if we find it
        if (array[i].username === name)
            found = true;

    if (!found)
        array[++i] = { id: maxId, username: name };