我想解决的问题是——如何在构建过程中将主机卷挂载到Dockerfile中的docker容器中,即在docker构建过程中让docker运行-v /export:/export功能。
对我来说,这背后的一个原因是,当在Docker中构建东西时,我不希望那些(apt-get install)缓存被锁定在单个Docker中,而是共享/重用它们。
它现在已经内置在docker(我认为是第三方工具)中,只要你的版本超过18.09。我的现在是20.10.7 https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/build_enhancements/
要启用BuildKit构建 重新安装docker最简单的方法是在调用docker build命令时设置DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1环境变量,例如: $ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1个docker build。
在docker v18.09之前,正确的答案应该是以:
然而,这是一个陈述不当、组织不当和支持不足的回答。当我重新安装我的docker contains时,我碰巧发现了以下文章:
Dockerize apt-cache -ng服务 https://docs.docker.com/engine/examples/apt-cacher-ng/
Was:曾经有一个解决方案- rocker,这不是来自Docker,但现在rocker已经停止,我将答案再次回复为“不可能”。
Old Update: So the answer is "Not possible". I can accept it as an answer as I know the issue has been extensively discussed at https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/3156. I can understand that portability is a paramount issue for docker developer; but as a docker user, I have to say I'm very disappointed about this missing feature. Let me close my argument with a quote from aforementioned discussion: "I would like to use Gentoo as a base image but definitely don't want > 1GB of Portage tree data to be in any of the layers once the image has been built. You could have some nice a compact containers if it wasn't for the gigantic portage tree having to appear in the image during the install." Yes, I can use wget or curl to download whatever I need, but the fact that merely a portability consideration is now forcing me to download > 1GB of Portage tree each time I build a Gentoo base image is neither efficient nor user friendly. Further more, the package repository WILL ALWAYS be under /usr/portage, thus ALWAYS PORTABLE under Gentoo. Again, I respect the decision, but please allow me expressing my disappointment as well in the mean time. Thanks.
通过卷共享目录 http://docker.readthedocs.org/en/v0.7.3/use/working_with_volumes/
# BUILD-USING: docker build -t data .
# RUN-USING: docker run -name DATA data
FROM busybox
VOLUME ["/var/volume1", "/var/volume2"]
CMD ["/usr/bin/true"]
$ apt-cache policy lxc-docker
Installed: 1.2.0
Candidate: 1.2.0
Version table:
*** 1.2.0 0
500 https://get.docker.io/ubuntu/ docker/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM debian:sid
VOLUME ["/export"]
RUN ls -l /export
CMD ls -l /export
$ docker build -t data .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.56 kB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM debian:sid
---> 77e97a48ce6a
Step 1 : VOLUME ["/export"]
---> Using cache
---> 59b69b65a074
Step 2 : RUN ls -l /export
---> Running in df43c78d74be
total 0
---> 9d29a6eb263f
Removing intermediate container df43c78d74be
Step 3 : CMD ls -l /export
---> Running in 8e4916d3e390
---> d6e7e1c52551
Removing intermediate container 8e4916d3e390
Successfully built d6e7e1c52551
$ docker run data
total 0
$ ls -l /export | wc
20 162 1131
$ docker -v
Docker version 1.2.0, build fa7b24f