NPM install -g forever forever-monitor
Path specified in the NODE_PATH environment variable.
Note: NODE_PATH environment variable is set to a colon-delimited list of absolute paths.
Current node_modules folder. (local)
$HOME/.node_modules (global)
Note: $HOME is the user's home directory.
$HOME/.node_libraries (global)
$PREFIX/lib/node (global)
Note: $PREFIX is Node.js's configured node_prefix.
To check the current value of node_prefix, run:
node -p process.config.variables.node_prefix
Note: Prefix corresponds to --prefix param during build and it's relative to process.execPath. Not to confuse with value from the npm config get prefix command.source
安装模块的全局根文件夹的位置可以通过:npm root -g打印(默认情况下,路径是在运行时计算的,除非在npmrc文件中被覆盖)。
Specify your global module location in NODE_PATH environment variable. E.g.
echo 'require("forever")' | NODE_PATH="$(npm root -g):$NODE_PATH" node
To test and print the value of NODE_PATH, run:
echo 'console.log(process.env.NODE_PATH); require("forever")' | NODE_PATH="$(npm root -g):$NODE_PATH" node
For more permanent solution, link your $HOME/.node_modules global user folder to point to the root folder, by running this command:
ln -vs "$(npm root -g)" "$HOME"/.node_modules
Then re-test it via: echo 'require("forever")' | node command.
Temporary change the current folder to where the extension has been installed globally, before invoking the script. E.g.
npm install -g forever
cd "$(npm root -g)"
echo 'require("forever")' | node
cd -
Configure global installation destination in npm userconfig file (see: npm help 5 npmrc) or by userconfig param (--prefix).
To display the current config, run: npm config list.
To edit the current config, run: npm config edit.
Specify the full path of node modules location when calling require(). E.g.
Install the package to custom location, e.g.
npm install forever -g --prefix "$HOME"/.node_modules
However, the installation will go under ~/.node_modules/lib/node_modules/, so the location still needs to be added.
See: npm local install package to custom location
Create a symlink in the current folder from the location of the global package. E.g.
npm link forever