public static string TruncateLongString(this string str, int maxLength)
if (str.Length <= maxLength)
return str;
//return the first maxLength characters
public static string TruncateLongString(this string str, int maxLength)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) return str;
return str.Substring(0, Math.Min(str.Length, maxLength));
在c# 8或更高版本中,也可以使用Range使其更简洁:
public static string TruncateLongString(this string str, int maxLength)
return str?[0..Math.Min(str.Length, maxLength)];
public static string TruncateLongString(this string str, int maxLength) =>
str?[0..Math.Min(str.Length, maxLength)];
每当我必须在c#中进行字符串操作时,我就会想念Visual Basic中的Left和Right函数,它们比Substring使用起来简单得多。
public static class StringExtensions
public static string Left(this string str, int length)
return str.Substring(0, Math.Min(length, str.Length));
public static string Right(this string str, int length)
return str.Substring(str.Length - Math.Min(length, str.Length));
string longString = "Long String";
// returns "Long";
string left1 = longString.Left(4);
// returns "Long String";
string left2 = longString.Left(100);
The .NET Substring method is fraught with peril. I developed extension methods that handle a wide variety of scenarios. The nice thing is it preserves the original behavior, but when you add an additional "true" parameter, it then resorts to the extension method to handle the exception, and returns the most logical values, based on the index and length. For example, if length is negative, and counts backward. You can look at the test results with wide variety of values on the fiddle at: https://dotnetfiddle.net/m1mSH9. This will give you a clear idea on how it resolves substrings.
public static String Substring(this String val, int startIndex, bool handleIndexException)
if (!handleIndexException)
{ //handleIndexException is false so call the base method
return val.Substring(startIndex);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
return val;
return val.Substring(startIndex < 0 ? 0 : startIndex > (val.Length - 1) ? val.Length : startIndex);
public static String Substring(this String val, int startIndex, int length, bool handleIndexException)
if (!handleIndexException)
{ //handleIndexException is false so call the base method
return val.Substring(startIndex, length);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
return val;
int newfrom, newlth, instrlength = val.Length;
if (length < 0) //length is negative
newfrom = startIndex + length;
newlth = -1 * length;
else //length is positive
newfrom = startIndex;
newlth = length;
if (newfrom + newlth < 0 || newfrom > instrlength - 1)
return string.Empty;
if (newfrom < 0)
newlth = newfrom + newlth;
newfrom = 0;
return val.Substring(newfrom, Math.Min(newlth, instrlength - newfrom));
部分为了总结(不包括LINQ解决方案),这里有两个一行程序,解决了int maxLength允许负值的警告和空字符串的情况:
Substring方式(来自Paul Ruane的回答):
public static string Truncate(this string s, uint maxLength) =>
s?.Substring(0, Math.Min(s.Length, (int)maxLength));
public static string Truncate(this string s, uint maxLength) =>
s?.Length > maxLength ? s.Remove((int)maxLength) : s;