我想将Unicode头骨和交叉骨头添加到我的shell提示符(特别是' skull and crossbones ' (U+2620)),但我不知道让echo吐出它的魔法咒语,或任何其他4位Unicode字符。两位数的数字很简单。例如echo -e "\x55",。
在macOS的终端应用程序中,选择首选项->编码,并选择Unicode (UTF-8)。
unicode() { local -n a="$1"; local c; printf -vc '\\U%08x' "$2"; printf -va "$c"; }
unicodes() { local a c; for a; do printf -vc '\\U%08x' "$a"; printf "$c"; done; };
unicode crossbones 0x2620
echo "$crossbones"
for a in {0..65535}; do unicodes "$a"; printf ' '; done
或者讲一个非常典型的父母的故事(这需要Unicode 2010):
unicodes 0x1F6BC 32 43 32 0x1F62D 32 32 43 32 0x1F37C 32 61 32 0x263A 32 32 43 32 0x1F4A9 10
printf '\UXXXXXXXX' prints out any Unicode character
printf '\\U%08x' number prints \UXXXXXXXX with the number converted to Hex, this then is fed to another printf to actually print out the Unicode character
printf recognizes octal (0oct), hex (0xHEX) and decimal (0 or numbers starting with 1 to 9) as numbers, so you can choose whichever representation fits best
printf -v var .. gathers the output of printf into a variable, without fork (which tremendously speeds up things)
local variable is there to not pollute the global namespace
local -n var=other aliases var to other, such that assignment to var alters other. One interesting part here is, that var is part of the local namespace, while other is part of the global namespace.
Please note that there is no such thing as local or global namespace in bash. Variables are kept in the environment, and such are always global. Local just puts away the current value and restores it when the function is left again. Other functions called from within the function with local will still see the "local" value. This is a fundamentally different concept than all the normal scoping rules found in other languages (and what bash does is very powerful but can lead to errors if you are a programmer who is not aware of that).
fast_chr() {
local __octal
local __char
printf -v __octal '%03o' $1
printf -v __char \\$__octal
function unichr {
local c=$1 # Ordinal of char
local l=0 # Byte ctr
local o=63 # Ceiling
local p=128 # Accum. bits
local s='' # Output string
(( c < 0x80 )) && { fast_chr "$c"; echo -n "$REPLY"; return; }
while (( c > o )); do
fast_chr $(( t = 0x80 | c & 0x3f ))
(( c >>= 6, l++, p += o+1, o>>=1 ))
fast_chr $(( t = p | c ))
echo -n "$REPLY$s"
## test harness
for (( i=0x2500; i<0x2600; i++ )); do
unichr $i