


下面是Julien的别名的修改版本,它可以让你正确地处理On <branch>前缀,通常用于存储名称:

git config --global alias.stash-rename '!_() { newmsg="$1" && stash=${2:-"stash@{0}"} && newbranch="$3" && sha=$(git rev-parse "$stash") && olddesc="$(git stash list --format=%gs -1 "$stash")" && newdesc="$(if [[ "$newbranch" = "." ]]; then echo "$newmsg"; else if [[ -n "$newbranch" ]]; then echo "On $newbranch: $newmsg"; else if [[ "$olddesc" =~ ":" ]]; then echo "$(echo "$olddesc" | cut -f1 -d":"): $newmsg"; else echo "$newmsg"; fi; fi; fi)" && git stash drop "$stash" > /dev/null || exit 1; git stash store -m "$newdesc" "$sha" && git stash list; }; _'


git stash-rename <new-name> [<stash> [<new-branch-name> | .]]


repo[master] % touch tmp && git add tmp && git stash save first
Saved working directory and index state On master: first
HEAD is now at bd62064 Initial commit
repo[master] % touch tmp && git add tmp && git stash save second
Saved working directory and index state On master: second
HEAD is now at bd62064 Initial commit
repo[master] % git stash list
stash@{0}: On master: second
stash@{1}: On master: first
repo[master] % git stash-rename renamed
stash@{0}: On master: renamed
stash@{1}: On master: first
repo[master] % git stash-rename also-renamed stash@{1}
stash@{0}: On master: also-renamed
stash@{1}: On master: renamed
repo[master] % git stash-rename branch-changed stash@{0} new-branch
stash@{0}: On new-branch: branch-changed
stash@{1}: On master: renamed
repo[master] % git stash-rename branch-name-persists
stash@{0}: On new-branch: branch-name-persists
stash@{1}: On master: renamed
repo[master] % git stash-rename no-branch stash@{0} .
stash@{0}: no-branch
stash@{1}: On master: renamed
repo[master] % git stash-rename renamed
stash@{0}: renamed
stash@{1}: On master: renamed
repo[master] % git stash-rename readd-branch stash@{0} develop
stash@{0}: On develop: readd-branch
stash@{1}: On master: renamed


git rev-parse <stash> to find the SHA of the stash. git stash list --format=%gs -1 <stash> to find the reflog subject of the stash. Note that this is different from the commit message of the stash, which is not changed by this command. The reflog subject is what shows up in git stash list, and you can change the reflog subject without changing the hashes of the commits associated with the stashes. However, you can always find the original commit message, so don't use git stash-rename to remove sensitive information! git stash drop <stash> to drop the old reference to the stash (but we still have the SHA, so it's not lost). git stash store -m <new-message> <sha> to save a new reference to the stash with the same commit information but a different reflog subject. git stash list to list the stashes after the operation is finished. Note that new stashes are always pushed to the beginning of the list. It would be necessary to re-push all the stashes before the stash of interest in order to restore its original position.



我的大意是: 实现一个新的git reflog update命令,更新与特定reflog条目关联的消息。为此,一个新的update_reflog_ent()函数(在reflog.c中)会将与特定reflog条目相关的消息更改为update。update_reflogg()函数将使用for_each_reflog_ent()和update_reflog_ent来实际执行更改。 git stash rename命令只需要使用适当的ref和new消息调用git reflog update。



$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: Add some very important feature 
stash@{1}: WIP on master: Fix some silly bug


$ git stash drop stash@{1}
Dropped stash@{1} (af8fdeee49a03d1b4609f294635e7f0d622e03db)


$ git stash store -m "Very descriptive message" af8fdeee49a03d1b4609f294635e7f0d622e03db


$ git stash list
stash@{0}: Very descriptive message
stash@{1}: WIP on master: Add some very important feature

这个解决方案需要git 1.8.4或更高版本,是的,它也适用于脏工作目录。

qzb的回答中描述的git stash store-方法只在两个地方之一更新了stash消息,导致许多git前端仍然显示旧消息。但是,可以创建一个提交,复制原始存储提交中的所有内容,但更改其消息。

Find the hashes for the stash commit's tree and parents: $ git show -s --pretty=raw stash@{0} commit f2adfc7bbebe852693ad8f6ac889e4923230c872 tree 8160d88c6e00e90fcfa183e09d2563f3cdfb304b parent a013bd8052d3260fbc95608ed69d0b9cfa0c77cb parent 5d5eb80dc03bea8ff2bdd38962a1259b7725d169 author ... committer ... Test stash Create a new commit with the same tree and parents but a different message: $ git commit-tree 8160d88c6e00e90fcfa183e09d2563f3cdfb304b \ -p a013bd8052d3260fbc95608ed69d0b9cfa0c77cb \ -p 5d5eb80dc03bea8ff2bdd38962a1259b7725d169 \ -m "Renamed stash" f2adfc7bbebe852693ad8f6ac889e4923230c872 Store this commit as a new stash $ git stash store \ -m "$(git show -s --format=%B f2adfc7bbebe852693ad8f6ac889e4923230c872)" \ f2adfc7bbebe852693ad8f6ac889e4923230c872






git stash list


git log --oneline -1 stash



git checkout -b scratch stash@{1}
git stash drop stash@{1}
git commit --amend -m "$MESSAGE"
git stash store -m "$MESSAGE" HEAD
git checkout master
git branch -D scratch


创建一个新的(还不存在)“刮”分支从“藏匿在问题”,并切换到它 把旧的藏起来。这是安全的,因为树枝上还有这个。 使用git commit -amend来替换提交消息,这将改变“问题中的stash”的SHA 根据qzb的回答,把钱存起来 切换回去(假设你来自“master”)和清理


这会临时切换分支。所以这个配方只能应用于git状态-瓷器是干净的(阅读:不输出任何东西) 它重新编号存储,因此更改后的存储变成了stash@{0} 您需要输入$MESSAGE两次或使用一些环境变量(在本例中为MESSAGE) 您需要找到一个未使用的分支名称



git init scratch
cd scratch
for a in A B C D; do date >$a; git add $a; git commit -m $a; done
for a in X Y; do echo $a > Z; git stash save --all; done
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all; git stash list


*-.   e0e281b (refs/stash) WIP on master: 8bdcc32 D
|\ \  
| | * 4d62f52 untracked files on master: 8bdcc32 D
| * 096f158 index on master: 8bdcc32 D
* 8bdcc32 (HEAD, master) D
* c84c659 C
* 49bb2da B
* b1852c6 A
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 8bdcc32 D
stash@{1}: WIP on master: 8bdcc32 D


git stash drop stash@{1}
git stash store -m ...changed... 2fbf9007dfdfb95ae269a19e13b8b9ca3e24181c
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all; git stash list


*-.   2fbf900 (refs/stash) WIP on master: 8bdcc32 D
|\ \  
| | * 246dc5c untracked files on master: 8bdcc32 D
| * 80c5ea0 index on master: 8bdcc32 D
* 8bdcc32 (HEAD, master) D
* c84c659 C
* 49bb2da B
* b1852c6 A
stash@{0}: ...changed...
stash@{1}: WIP on master: 8bdcc32 D

正如你所看到的,在git日志中,stash@{0}仍然显示为master: 8bdcc32 D上的2fbf900 (refs/stash) WIP。如果仔细观察,就会发现有几个提交更改了SHA。这与处理存储的方式有关(SHA包括父存储,并且存储将它们的存储作为父存储)。


git checkout -b scratch stash
git stash drop
git commit --amend -m ...changed...
git stash store -m ...changed... HEAD
git checkout master
git branch -D scratch
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all; git stash list


*-.   4d55186 (refs/stash) ...changed...
|\ \  
| | * 246dc5c untracked files on master: 8bdcc32 D
| * 80c5ea0 index on master: 8bdcc32 D
* 8bdcc32 (HEAD, master) D
* c84c659 C
* 49bb2da B
* b1852c6 A
stash@{0}: ...changed...
stash@{1}: WIP on master: 8bdcc32 D




git stash list

例如,现在将其应用于git stash apply {N}

git stash apply 2


git stash push -m 'My descriptive stash message'

如果你想清理原来的存储,记得将索引增加1,因为新的存储会增加所有现有的索引(所以这里我们要N + 1)

git stash drop 3