我已经在OS X 10.8.2上使用Eclipse 4.2 (Juno release 20120920-0800)工作了几周,为Android 3.0及以上版本构建应用程序。我有一台带SSD的四核i7 MacBook Pro,所以性能不是问题。一切都很好。
在某种程度上,我导入了一个需要Android 2.2的Android项目,所以我使用Android SDK管理器安装了它(v.21)。从那时起,使用Eclipse的工作就一直在进行。首先,它将在右下角的状态消息中打印以下内容:
Android SDK内容加载器:(0%)
Android 2.2加载数据(100%)
这个要放几分钟。然后它继续对我安装的Android 3.1和其他SDK版本进行同样的操作。它基本上挂起每当第一次自动完成踢(例如键入系统后)或当我访问Android首选项之前,它已经加载。
这是我的Android SDK的状态:
重新安装Android SDK(通过Homebrew),从而完全删除/usr/local/Cellar/android-sdk。
Solution One
Often times, this problem can be network related. Check if your
network is behind a proxy. If so, you need to configure proxy
on Eclipse. For that, go to “Windows” -> “Preferences” -> “General” ->
“Network Connections”, and fill in your proxy info. Restart Eclipse
after that. Conversely, it’s also possible that you have configured
proxy on Eclipse before, but that you are no longer behind proxy. Make
sure to disable proxy then.
Solution Two
Another solution is to clean up project-specific meta data directories
which are stored under your workspace directory.
$ cd workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects
$ rm -rf *
Restart Eclipse.
Solution Three
Check if an adb process is running. If so, kill the adb process, and
restart Eclipse.
Solution Four
Try deleteing the contents of the cache folder located in user profile under .android\cache
Try deleteing the ddms.cfg located in user profile under .android