在我看来,Java中没有Pair,因为如果你想直接在Pair上添加额外的功能(例如Comparable),你必须绑定类型。在c++中,我们不在乎,如果组成一个pair的类型没有操作符<,则pair::operator <也不会被编译。
public class Pair<F, S> implements Comparable<Pair<? extends F, ? extends S>> {
public final F first;
public final S second;
/* ... */
public int compareTo(Pair<? extends F, ? extends S> that) {
int cf = compare(first, that.first);
return cf == 0 ? compare(second, that.second) : cf;
//Why null is decided to be less than everything?
private static int compare(Object l, Object r) {
if (l == null) {
return r == null ? 0 : -1;
} else {
return r == null ? 1 : ((Comparable) (l)).compareTo(r);
/* ... */
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> a = /* ... */;
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> b = /* ... */;
//Runtime error here instead of compile error!
public class Pair<
F extends Comparable<? super F>,
S extends Comparable<? super S>
> implements Comparable<Pair<? extends F, ? extends S>> {
public final F first;
public final S second;
/* ... */
public int compareTo(Pair<? extends F, ? extends S> that) {
int cf = compare(first, that.first);
return cf == 0 ? compare(second, that.second) : cf;
//Why null is decided to be less than everything?
private static <
T extends Comparable<? super T>
> int compare(T l, T r) {
if (l == null) {
return r == null ? 0 : -1;
} else {
return r == null ? 1 : l.compareTo(r);
/* ... */
//Will not compile because Thread is not Comparable<? super Thread>
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> a = /* ... */;
Pair<Thread, HashMap<String, Integer>> b = /* ... */;
这很好,但是这次您不能在Pair中使用不可比较的类型作为类型参数。 你可能会在一些实用程序类中使用很多comparator for Pair,但是c++的人可能不会理解。另一种方法是在类型层次结构中编写很多类,在类型参数上有不同的边界,但是有太多可能的边界和它们的组合……
这取决于你想用它来做什么。这样做的典型原因是在地图上迭代,为此你可以简单地这样做(Java 5+):
Map<String, Object> map = ... ; // just an example
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
System.out.printf("%s -> %s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
interface Pair<L, R> {
public L getL();
public R getR();
... //Calcuate the return value
final Integer v1 = result1;
final String v2 = result2;
return new Pair<Integer, String>(){
Integer getL(){ return v1; }
String getR(){ return v2; }
This is a pretty lightweight solution, and it answers the question "What is the semantic of a Pair<L,R>?". The answer is, this is an interface build with two (may be different) types, and it has methods to return each of them. It is up to you to add further semantic to it. For example, if you are using Position and REALLY want to indicate it in you code, you can define PositionX and PositionY that contains Integer, to make up a Pair<PositionX,PositionY>. If JSR 308 is available, you may also use Pair<@PositionX Integer, @PositionY Ingeger> to simplify that.
编辑: 这里我应该指出的一点是,上面的定义显式地将类型参数名和方法名联系起来。这是对那些认为Pair缺乏语义信息的人的回答。实际上,getL方法的意思是“给我对应于类型参数L的类型的元素”,这确实意味着什么。
编辑: 下面是一个简单的实用程序类,可以让生活变得更简单:
class Pairs {
static <L,R> Pair<L,R> makePair(final L l, final R r){
return new Pair<L,R>(){
public L getL() { return l; }
public R getR() { return r; }
return Pairs.makePair(new Integer(100), "123");
@AllArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class Pair<F, S> {
private F first;
private S second;
它拥有@arturh答案的所有好处(除了可比性),它有hashCode, equals, toString和一个静态“构造函数”。
JavaFX(与Java 8捆绑在一起)有Pair< A,B >类
地图。入口界面非常接近c++对。看看具体的实现,比如AbstractMap。SimpleEntry和AbstractMap。SimpleImmutableEntry 第一项是getKey(),第二项是getValue()。