
factory('aService', ['$rootScope', '$resource', function ($rootScope, $resource) {
  var service = {
    foo: []

  return service;


<div ng-controller="FooCtrl">
  <div ng-repeat="item in foo">{{ item }}</div>


function FooCtrl($scope, aService) {                                                                                                                              
  $scope.aService = aService;
  $scope.foo = aService.foo;

  $scope.$watch('aService.foo', function (newVal, oldVal, scope) {
    if(newVal) { 
      scope.foo = newVal;






mod.service('WatchObj', ['$rootScope', WatchObjService]); function WatchObjService($rootScope) { // returns watch function // obj: the object to watch for // fields: the array of fields to watch // target: where to assign changes (usually it's $scope or controller instance) // $scope: optional, if not provided $rootScope is use return function watch_obj(obj, fields, target, $scope) { $scope = $scope || $rootScope; //initialize watches and create an array of "unwatch functions" var watched = fields.map(function(field) { return $scope.$watch( function() { return obj[field]; }, function(new_val) { target[field] = new_val; } ); }); //unregister function will unregister all our watches var unregister = function unregister_watch_obj() { watched.map(function(unregister) { unregister(); }); }; //automatically unregister when scope is destroyed $scope.$on('$destroy', unregister); return unregister; }; }

该服务在控制器中的使用方式如下: 假设你有一个服务“testService”,它的属性是“prop1”,“prop2”,“prop3”。您希望监视并将其分配给范围“prop1”和“prop2”。对于手表服务,它看起来像这样:

应用程序控制器(“检测”、“检测服务”、“观察”、“检测”); 功能测试表 扫帚美元。prop1 =测试服务。 扫帚美元。prop2 =测试服务。 扫帚美元。prop3 =测试服务。 观察(测试服务,[prop1, prop2], $scope, $scope]); )

应用 Watch obj很棒,但如果您的服务中有异步代码,它就不够了。在这种情况下,我使用了第二个实用程序,如下所示:

mod.service('apply', ['$timeout', ApplyService]); 函数ApplyService($timeout) { 返回函数apply() { 美元超时(函数(){}); }; }

我将在异步代码的末尾触发它以触发$digest循环。 像这样:

app.service('TestService', ['apply', TestService]); 函数TestService(应用){ 这一点。Apply = Apply; } TestService.prototype。Test3 =函数(){ setTimeout(函数(){ 这一点。Prop1 = 'changed_test_2'; 这一点。Prop2 = 'changed2_test_2'; 这一点。Prop3 = 'changed3_test_2'; this.apply ();//触发$digest循环 } .bind ()); }


// TEST app code var app = angular.module('app', ['watch_utils']); app.controller('TestWatch', ['$scope', 'TestService', 'WatchObj', TestWatchCtrl]); function TestWatchCtrl($scope, testService, watch) { $scope.prop1 = testService.prop1; $scope.prop2 = testService.prop2; $scope.prop3 = testService.prop3; watch(testService, ['prop1', 'prop2'], $scope, $scope); $scope.test1 = function() { testService.test1(); }; $scope.test2 = function() { testService.test2(); }; $scope.test3 = function() { testService.test3(); }; } app.service('TestService', ['apply', TestService]); function TestService(apply) { this.apply = apply; this.reset(); } TestService.prototype.reset = function() { this.prop1 = 'unchenged'; this.prop2 = 'unchenged2'; this.prop3 = 'unchenged3'; } TestService.prototype.test1 = function() { this.prop1 = 'changed_test_1'; this.prop2 = 'changed2_test_1'; this.prop3 = 'changed3_test_1'; } TestService.prototype.test2 = function() { setTimeout(function() { this.prop1 = 'changed_test_2'; this.prop2 = 'changed2_test_2'; this.prop3 = 'changed3_test_2'; }.bind(this)); } TestService.prototype.test3 = function() { setTimeout(function() { this.prop1 = 'changed_test_2'; this.prop2 = 'changed2_test_2'; this.prop3 = 'changed3_test_2'; this.apply(); }.bind(this)); } //END TEST APP CODE //WATCH UTILS var mod = angular.module('watch_utils', []); mod.service('apply', ['$timeout', ApplyService]); function ApplyService($timeout) { return function apply() { $timeout(function() {}); }; } mod.service('WatchObj', ['$rootScope', WatchObjService]); function WatchObjService($rootScope) { // target not always equals $scope, for example when using bindToController syntax in //directives return function watch_obj(obj, fields, target, $scope) { // if $scope is not provided, $rootScope is used $scope = $scope || $rootScope; var watched = fields.map(function(field) { return $scope.$watch( function() { return obj[field]; }, function(new_val) { target[field] = new_val; } ); }); var unregister = function unregister_watch_obj() { watched.map(function(unregister) { unregister(); }); }; $scope.$on('$destroy', unregister); return unregister; }; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div class='test' ng-app="app" ng-controller="TestWatch"> prop1: {{prop1}} <br>prop2: {{prop2}} <br>prop3 (unwatched): {{prop3}} <br> <button ng-click="test1()"> Simple props change </button> <button ng-click="test2()"> Async props change </button> <button ng-click="test3()"> Async props change with apply </button> </div>



app.service('myService', function($q) {
    var self = this,
        defer = $q.defer();

    this.foo = 0;

    this.observeFoo = function() {
        return defer.promise;

    this.setFoo = function(foo) {
        self.foo = foo;


myService.observeFoo().then(null, null, function(foo){
    $scope.foo = foo;




angular.module('MyApp').factory('aFactory', function ($rootScope) {
    // Define your factory content
    var result = {
        'key': value

    // add a listener on a key        
    $rootScope.$watch(function () {
        return result.key;
    }, function (newValue, oldValue, scope) {
        // This is called after the key "key" has changed, a good idea is to broadcast a message that key has changed
        $rootScope.$broadcast('aFactory:keyChanged', newValue);
    }, true);

    return result;


angular.module('MyApp').controller('aController', ['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {

    $rootScope.$on('aFactory:keyChanged', function currentCityChanged(event, value) {
        // do something


据我所知,你不需要做那么复杂的事情。您已经将foo从服务分配到作用域,并且由于foo是一个数组(反过来又是一个对象,它是通过引用分配的!). 所以,你所需要做的就是这样:

function FooCtrl($scope, aService) {                                                                                                                              
  $scope.foo = aService.foo;




myApp.service('myService', function() {
    var self = this;
    self.value = false;
    self.c2 = function(){};
    self.callback = function(){
        self.value = !self.value; 

    self.on = function(){
        return self.value;

    self.register = function(obj, key){ 
        self.c2 = function(){
            obj[key] = self.value; 

    return this;


function MyCtrl($scope, myService) {
    $scope.name = 'Superhero';
    $scope.myVar = false;
    myService.register($scope, 'myVar');




mod.service('WatchObj', ['$rootScope', WatchObjService]); function WatchObjService($rootScope) { // returns watch function // obj: the object to watch for // fields: the array of fields to watch // target: where to assign changes (usually it's $scope or controller instance) // $scope: optional, if not provided $rootScope is use return function watch_obj(obj, fields, target, $scope) { $scope = $scope || $rootScope; //initialize watches and create an array of "unwatch functions" var watched = fields.map(function(field) { return $scope.$watch( function() { return obj[field]; }, function(new_val) { target[field] = new_val; } ); }); //unregister function will unregister all our watches var unregister = function unregister_watch_obj() { watched.map(function(unregister) { unregister(); }); }; //automatically unregister when scope is destroyed $scope.$on('$destroy', unregister); return unregister; }; }

该服务在控制器中的使用方式如下: 假设你有一个服务“testService”,它的属性是“prop1”,“prop2”,“prop3”。您希望监视并将其分配给范围“prop1”和“prop2”。对于手表服务,它看起来像这样:

应用程序控制器(“检测”、“检测服务”、“观察”、“检测”); 功能测试表 扫帚美元。prop1 =测试服务。 扫帚美元。prop2 =测试服务。 扫帚美元。prop3 =测试服务。 观察(测试服务,[prop1, prop2], $scope, $scope]); )

应用 Watch obj很棒,但如果您的服务中有异步代码,它就不够了。在这种情况下,我使用了第二个实用程序,如下所示:

mod.service('apply', ['$timeout', ApplyService]); 函数ApplyService($timeout) { 返回函数apply() { 美元超时(函数(){}); }; }

我将在异步代码的末尾触发它以触发$digest循环。 像这样:

app.service('TestService', ['apply', TestService]); 函数TestService(应用){ 这一点。Apply = Apply; } TestService.prototype。Test3 =函数(){ setTimeout(函数(){ 这一点。Prop1 = 'changed_test_2'; 这一点。Prop2 = 'changed2_test_2'; 这一点。Prop3 = 'changed3_test_2'; this.apply ();//触发$digest循环 } .bind ()); }


// TEST app code var app = angular.module('app', ['watch_utils']); app.controller('TestWatch', ['$scope', 'TestService', 'WatchObj', TestWatchCtrl]); function TestWatchCtrl($scope, testService, watch) { $scope.prop1 = testService.prop1; $scope.prop2 = testService.prop2; $scope.prop3 = testService.prop3; watch(testService, ['prop1', 'prop2'], $scope, $scope); $scope.test1 = function() { testService.test1(); }; $scope.test2 = function() { testService.test2(); }; $scope.test3 = function() { testService.test3(); }; } app.service('TestService', ['apply', TestService]); function TestService(apply) { this.apply = apply; this.reset(); } TestService.prototype.reset = function() { this.prop1 = 'unchenged'; this.prop2 = 'unchenged2'; this.prop3 = 'unchenged3'; } TestService.prototype.test1 = function() { this.prop1 = 'changed_test_1'; this.prop2 = 'changed2_test_1'; this.prop3 = 'changed3_test_1'; } TestService.prototype.test2 = function() { setTimeout(function() { this.prop1 = 'changed_test_2'; this.prop2 = 'changed2_test_2'; this.prop3 = 'changed3_test_2'; }.bind(this)); } TestService.prototype.test3 = function() { setTimeout(function() { this.prop1 = 'changed_test_2'; this.prop2 = 'changed2_test_2'; this.prop3 = 'changed3_test_2'; this.apply(); }.bind(this)); } //END TEST APP CODE //WATCH UTILS var mod = angular.module('watch_utils', []); mod.service('apply', ['$timeout', ApplyService]); function ApplyService($timeout) { return function apply() { $timeout(function() {}); }; } mod.service('WatchObj', ['$rootScope', WatchObjService]); function WatchObjService($rootScope) { // target not always equals $scope, for example when using bindToController syntax in //directives return function watch_obj(obj, fields, target, $scope) { // if $scope is not provided, $rootScope is used $scope = $scope || $rootScope; var watched = fields.map(function(field) { return $scope.$watch( function() { return obj[field]; }, function(new_val) { target[field] = new_val; } ); }); var unregister = function unregister_watch_obj() { watched.map(function(unregister) { unregister(); }); }; $scope.$on('$destroy', unregister); return unregister; }; } <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div class='test' ng-app="app" ng-controller="TestWatch"> prop1: {{prop1}} <br>prop2: {{prop2}} <br>prop3 (unwatched): {{prop3}} <br> <button ng-click="test1()"> Simple props change </button> <button ng-click="test2()"> Async props change </button> <button ng-click="test3()"> Async props change with apply </button> </div>