对于许多开发人员来说,Java 8中引入的可选类型是一个新事物。







需要注意的是,Optional类的目的不是替换每一个空引用。相反,它的目的是帮助设计更容易理解的api,这样通过读取方法的签名,就可以判断是否可以获得可选值。这迫使您主动展开Optional以处理缺少值的情况。”-厌倦了空指针异常?考虑使用Java SE 8的Optional!

我还从Java 8 Optional中找到了这个节选:如何使用它

“Optional并不适用于这种情况,因为它并不能为我们买到任何东西: 在领域模型层(不可序列化) 在dto中(同样的原因) 输入方法的参数 在构造函数参数中







Optional用于在记录中指定可选值: 记录宠物(字符串名称,可选<品种>品种, 可选< ZonedDateTime > dateOfBirth)




return Arrays.asList(enclosingInfo.getEnclosingClass().getDeclaredMethods())
    .filter(m -> Objects.equals(m.getName(), enclosingInfo.getName())
    .filter(m ->  Arrays.equals(m.getParameterTypes(), parameterClasses))
    .filter(m -> Objects.equals(m.getReturnType(), returnType))
    .getOrThrow(() -> new InternalError(...));


Method matching =
    .filter(m -> Objects.equals(m.getName(), enclosingInfo.getName())
    .filter(m ->  Arrays.equals(m.getParameterTypes(), parameterClasses))
    .filter(m -> Objects.equals(m.getReturnType(), returnType))
if (matching == null)
  throw new InternalError("Enclosing method not found");
return matching;

我的观点是,Optional被编写来支持函数式编程,它同时被添加到Java中。(这个例子来自Brian Goetz的博客。更好的示例可能是使用orElse()方法,因为这段代码无论如何都会抛出异常,但您已经了解了情况。)

But now, people are using Optional for a very different reason. They're using it to address a flaw in the language design. The flaw is this: There's no way to specify which of an API's parameters and return values are allowed to be null. It may be mentioned in the javadocs, but most developers don't even write javadocs for their code, and not many will check the javadocs as they write. So this leads to a lot of code that always checks for null values before using them, even though they often can't possibly be null because they were already validated repeatedly nine or ten times up the call stack.

I think there was a real thirst to solve this flaw, because so many people who saw the new Optional class assumed its purpose was to add clarity to APIs. Which is why people ask questions like "should getters return Optionals?" No, they probably shouldn't, unless you expect the getter to be used in functional programming, which is very unlikely. In fact, if you look at where Optional is used in the Java API, it's mainly in the Stream classes, which are the core of functional programming. (I haven't checked very thoroughly, but the Stream classes might be the only place they're used.)




A much better solution to the API flaw is the Nullness Checker. This is an annotation processor that lets you specify which parameters and return values are allowed to be null by annotating them with @Nullable. This way, the compiler can scan the code and figure out if a value that can actually be null is being passed to a value where null is not allowed. By default, it assumes nothing is allowed to be null unless it's annotated so. This way, you don't have to worry about null values. Passing a null value to a parameter will result in a compiler error. Testing an object for null that can't be null produces a compiler warning. The effect of this is to change NullPointerException from a runtime error to a compile-time error.


As for your getters, don't use Optional. And try to design your classes so none of the members can possibly be null. And maybe try adding the Nullness Checker to your project and declaring your getters and setter parameters @Nullable if they need it. I've only done this with new projects. It probably produces a lot of warnings in existing projects written with lots of superfluous tests for null, so it might be tough to retrofit. But it will also catch a lot of bugs. I love it. My code is much cleaner and more reliable because of it.




请记住,为函数式编程设计的方法,以及需要函数引用的方法,将(并且应该)以两种形式编写,其中一种使用Optional。例如,option .map()和option . flatmap()都接受函数引用。第一个参数接受一个对普通getter的引用,第二个参数接受一个返回Optional的getter。因此,返回值不能为null的Optional并不是对任何人都有帮助。

说了这么多,我仍然认为Nullness Checker使用的方法是处理null的最佳方法,因为它们将nullpointerexception从运行时错误转变为编译时错误。





(Public service announcement: NEVER call Optional.get unless you can prove it will never be null; instead use one of the safe methods like orElse or ifPresent. In retrospect, we should have called get something like getOrElseThrowNoSuchElementException or something that made it far clearer that this was a highly dangerous method that undermined the whole purpose of Optional in the first place. Lesson learned. (UPDATE: Java 10 has Optional.orElseThrow(), which is semantically equivalent to get(), but whose name is more appropriate.))