You are, obviously, doing it the wrong way. Testing is an important part of pre-packaging. You shouldn't ignore or skip it, but rather do it the right way. Try changing the database to which it inserts the data(like test_db). It may take a while to set it up. And to make sure this database can be used forever, you should delete all the data by the end of tests. JUnit4 has annotations which make it easy for you. Use @Before, @After @Test annotations for the right methods. You need to spend sometime on it, but it will be worth it!
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
那些不想跳过测试用例的人。 就在主测试类注释或删除注释的上面:
You are, obviously, doing it the wrong way. Testing is an important part of pre-packaging. You shouldn't ignore or skip it, but rather do it the right way. Try changing the database to which it inserts the data(like test_db). It may take a while to set it up. And to make sure this database can be used forever, you should delete all the data by the end of tests. JUnit4 has annotations which make it easy for you. Use @Before, @After @Test annotations for the right methods. You need to spend sometime on it, but it will be worth it!
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip
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