如何在Eclipse中导入一个jar ?
您可以通过右键单击Project→Build Path→Configure Build Path在Eclipse中添加一个jar。在Libraries选项卡下,单击Add Jars或Add External Jars并给出Jar。这里有一个简单的演示。
click File > Import. The Import window opens. Under Select an import source, click J2EE > App Client JAR file. Click Next. In the Application Client file field, enter the location and name of the application client JAR file that you want to import. You can click the Browse button to select the JAR file from the file system. In the Application Client project field, type a new project name or select an application client project from the drop-down list. If you type a new name in this field, the application client project will be created based on the version of the application client JAR file, and it will use the default location. In the Target runtime drop-down list, select the application server that you want to target for your development. This selection affects the run time settings by modifying the class path entries for the project. If you want to add the new module to an enterprise application project, select the Add project to an EAR check box and then select an existing enterprise application project from the list or create a new one by clicking New. Note: If you type a new enterprise application project name, the enterprise application project will be created in the default location with the lowest compatible J2EE version based on the version of the project being created. If you want to specify a different version or a different location for the enterprise application, you must use the New Enterprise Application Project wizard. Click Finish to import the application client JAR file.
2/如果你已经导入了其他jar,从“References Libraries”目录:
In case you are developing Eclipse plug-ins, it makes sense to use Eclipse's native bundling mechanism instead of just importing the jar into a plug-in project. Eclipse (or better its underlying OSGi runtime, Equinox) uses so-called bundles which contain some more information than plain jars (e.g., version infos, dependencies to other bundles, exported packages; see the MANIFEST.MF file). Because of this information, OSGi bundles can be dynamically loaded/unloaded and there is automatic dependency resolution available in an OSGi/Eclipse runtime. Hence, using OSGi bundles instead of plain jars (contained inside another OSGi bundle) has some advantages.
http://www.springsource.com/repository/app/ http://download.eclipse.org/tools/orbit/downloads/ http://www.osgi.org/Repository/HomePage
在项目文件夹中创建一个名为lib的文件夹。 将您需要的所有jar文件复制到此文件夹。 在eclipse中刷新您的项目。 选择所有jar文件,然后右键单击其中一个文件,选择构建路径->添加到构建路径
Eclipse ->首选项-> Java ->构建路径->用户库->新建(命名它)->添加外部jar
C: \ oraclexe app \ oracle产品10。2。0 \ server \ jdbc lib \ ojdbc14。jar
Ojdbc14.jar (jar文件)
要在Eclipse IDE中导入jar文件,请遵循以下步骤。
右键单击项目 选择生成路径 单击Configure Build Path 单击Libraries,选择Modulepath,然后选择Add External jar 从所需的文件夹中选择jar文件 单击“应用”和“确定”
右键单击项目。 你会看到一个Build Path选项,点击它。 你会有一个选项配置构建路径,点击它。 去图书馆。 然后去你有一个jar文件的地方,把它们放到一个新的文件夹里,上传到一个新的地方。 然后点击Add External Jars,你肯定可以上传它,这也会对classpathxmlapplicationcontext有帮助。
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