YUI Compressor. Yahoo!'s JavaScript compressor does a good job of condensing the code that will improve its load time. There is a small level of obfuscation that works relatively well. Essentially, Compressor will change function names, remove white space, and modify local variables. This is what I use most often. This is an open-source Java-based tool. JSMin is a tool written by Douglas Crockford that seeks to minify your JavaScript source. In Crockford's own words, "JSMin does not obfuscate, but it does uglify." It's primary goal is to minify the size of your source for faster loading in browsers. Free JavaScript Obfuscator. This is a web-based tool that attempts to obfuscate your code by actually encoding it. I think that the trade-offs of its form of encoding (or obfuscation) could come at the cost of filesize; however, that's a matter of personal preference.
YUI Compressor. Yahoo!'s JavaScript compressor does a good job of condensing the code that will improve its load time. There is a small level of obfuscation that works relatively well. Essentially, Compressor will change function names, remove white space, and modify local variables. This is what I use most often. This is an open-source Java-based tool. JSMin is a tool written by Douglas Crockford that seeks to minify your JavaScript source. In Crockford's own words, "JSMin does not obfuscate, but it does uglify." It's primary goal is to minify the size of your source for faster loading in browsers. Free JavaScript Obfuscator. This is a web-based tool that attempts to obfuscate your code by actually encoding it. I think that the trade-offs of its form of encoding (or obfuscation) could come at the cost of filesize; however, that's a matter of personal preference.
我正在使用闭包编译器实用程序的java脚本混淆。它减少了代码,并为混淆提供了更多的选项。 此实用程序可在谷歌代码在以下URL: 闭包的工具
但是现在我听到很多关于UglifyJS的消息。你可以在闭包编译器和UglifyJS之间找到各种比较,其中Uglify似乎是赢家。 UglifyJS:一种可以与闭包媲美的快速Node.js压缩器
Dean Edward's Packer是一个很好的混淆器,尽管它主要是混淆代码,而不是代码中可能存在的任何字符串元素。
参见:在线Javascript压缩工具,并从下拉菜单中选择Packer (Dean Edwards)
JScrambler试试。最近我试了一下,印象深刻。 它为那些不太关心细节,只想快速完成的人提供了一组模板,用于混淆预定义的设置。您还可以通过选择任何您想要的转换/技术来创建自定义混淆。
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