

我将文件返回一个“Content-Disposition: attachment”头,这将导致浏览器显示“Save”对话框。但是浏览器不会在iframe中触发“load”事件。



Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="abcde"

Content-type: text/html

Content-type: application/vnd.fdf
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=foo.fdf


这在Firefox中是有效的;它接收空HTML文件,触发“load”事件,然后显示可下载文件的“Save”对话框。但它在ie和Safari浏览器上无法运行;Internet Explorer触发“load”事件,但它不下载文件,而Safari下载文件(带有错误的名称和内容类型),但不触发“load”事件。





但是onload不会在Internet Explorer中触发文件下载(就像使用附件头令牌一样)。轮询服务器是可行的,但我不喜欢这种额外的复杂性。这就是我所做的:

目标隐藏iFrame像往常一样。 生成内容。用 2分钟内绝对超时。 发送JavaScript重定向回 调用客户端,本质上调用 第二次生成页面。注意:这将导致在Internet Explorer中触发onload事件,因为它就像一个普通页面一样。 从缓存中删除内容并 发送给客户端。



public partial class Download : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlControl Body;

    protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
        byte[ ] data;
        string reportKey = Session.SessionID + "_Report";

        // Check is this page request to generate the content
        //    or return the content (data query string defined)
        if ( Request.QueryString[ "data" ] != null )
            // Get the data and remove the cache
            data = Cache[ reportKey ] as byte[ ];
            Cache.Remove( reportKey );

            if ( data == null )
                // send the user some information
                Response.Write( "Javascript to tell user there was a problem." );
                Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";
                Response.AppendHeader( "Pragma", "no-cache" );
                Response.Buffer = true;

                Response.AppendHeader( "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Report.pdf" );
                Response.AppendHeader( "content-size", data.Length.ToString( ) );
                Response.BinaryWrite( data );
            // Generate the data here. I am loading a file just for an example
            using ( System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStream( @"C:\1.pdf", System.IO.FileMode.Open ) )
                using ( System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader( stream ) )
                    data = new byte[ reader.BaseStream.Length ];
                    reader.Read( data, 0, data.Length );

            // Store the content for retrieval
            Cache.Insert( reportKey, data, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes( 5 ), TimeSpan.Zero );

            // This is the key bit that tells the frame to reload this page
            //   and start downloading the content. NOTE: Url has a query string
            //   value, so that the content isn't generated again.
            Body.Attributes.Add("onload", "window.location = 'binary.aspx?data=t'");



The server-to-client messaging library I like and recommend is Socket.io (via Node.js). After your server script is done generating the file that is being streamed for download your last line in that script can emit a message to Socket.io which sends a notification to the client. On the client, Socket.io listens for incoming messages emitted from the server and allows you to act on them. The benefit of using this method over others is that you are able to detect a "true" finish event after the streaming is done.







整个数据团存储在RAM中,因此如果文件很大,它将消耗同样多的RAM。对于小文件,这可能不是问题。 用户必须等待整个文件下载完成后才能保存。他们也不能离开页面,直到它完成。 未使用内置的web浏览器文件下载器。 除非设置了CORS报头,否则跨域获取可能会失败。

使用iframe +服务器端cookie。如果页面在iframe中加载而不是开始下载,iframe会触发一个加载事件,但如果下载开始,它不会触发任何事件。在web服务器上设置cookie可以被JavaScript循环检测到。这种方法有几个缺点:

服务器和客户机必须协同工作。服务器必须设置cookie。客户端必须检测cookie。 跨域请求将无法设置cookie。 每个域可以设置多少个cookie是有限制的。 不能发送自定义HTTP报头。


服务器必须维护所下载内容的存储。需要cron作业或类似作业来定期清理目录。 当文件准备好时,服务器必须转储特殊的HTML内容。 在从DOM中删除iframe之前,客户端必须猜测iframe何时实际向服务器发出了第二个请求,以及下载实际何时开始。这可以通过将iframe留在DOM中来解决。 不能发送自定义HTTP报头。

Use an iframe + XHR. The iframe triggers the download request. As soon as the request is made via the iframe, an identical request via XHR is made. If the load event on the iframe fires, an error has occurred, abort the XHR request, and remove the iframe. If a XHR progress event fires, then downloading has probably started in the iframe, abort the XHR request, wait a few seconds, and then remove the iframe. This allows for larger files to be downloaded without relying on a server-side cookie. There are several downsides with this approach:

There are two separate requests made for the same information. The server can distinguish the XHR from the iframe by checking the incoming headers. A cross-domain XHR request will probably fail unless CORS headers are set. However, the browser won't know if CORS is allowed or not until the server sends back the HTTP headers. If the server waits to send headers until the file data is ready, the XHR can roughly detect when the iframe has started to download even without CORS. The client has to guess as to when the download has actually started to remove the iframe from the DOM. This could be overcome by just leaving the iframe in the DOM. Can't send custom headers on the iframe.


只要可能,动态地将响应流发送到客户端,而不是先在服务器上生成所有内容,然后再发送响应。各种文件格式可以流,如CSV, JSON, XML, ZIP等。这真的取决于找到一个支持流媒体内容的库。当请求一开始就流化响应时,检测下载的开始并不重要,因为它几乎马上就开始了。



function download(blob){
    var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    console.log('create ' + url);

    window.addEventListener('focus', window_focus, false);
    function window_focus(){
        window.removeEventListener('focus', window_focus, false);
        console.log('revoke ' + url);
    location.href = url;



<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style type="text/css"> body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } svg:not(:root) { display: block; } .playable-code { background-color: #F4F7F8; border: none; border-left: 6px solid #558ABB; border-width: medium medium medium 6px; color: #4D4E53; height: 100px; width: 90%; padding: 10px 10px 0; } .playable-canvas { border: 1px solid #4D4E53; border-radius: 2px; } .playable-buttons { text-align: right; width: 90%; padding: 5px 10px 5px 26px; } </style> <style type="text/css"> .event-log { width: 25rem; height: 4rem; border: 1px solid black; margin: .5rem; padding: .2rem; } input { width: 11rem; margin: .5rem; } </style> <title>XMLHttpRequest: progress event - Live_example - code sample</title> </head> <body> <div class="controls"> <input class="xhr success" type="button" name="xhr" value="Click to start XHR (success)" /> <input class="xhr error" type="button" name="xhr" value="Click to start XHR (error)" /> <input class="xhr abort" type="button" name="xhr" value="Click to start XHR (abort)" /> </div> <textarea readonly class="event-log"></textarea> <script> const xhrButtonSuccess = document.querySelector('.xhr.success'); const xhrButtonError = document.querySelector('.xhr.error'); const xhrButtonAbort = document.querySelector('.xhr.abort'); const log = document.querySelector('.event-log'); function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == 'progress') { log.textContent = log.textContent + `${e.type}: ${e.loaded} bytes transferred Received ${event.loaded} of ${event.total}\n`; } else if (e.type == 'loadstart') { log.textContent = log.textContent + `${e.type}: started\n`; } else if (e.type == 'error') { log.textContent = log.textContent + `${e.type}: error\n`; } else if (e.type == 'loadend') { log.textContent = log.textContent + `${e.type}: completed\n`; } } function addListeners(xhr) { xhr.addEventListener('loadstart', handleEvent); xhr.addEventListener('load', handleEvent); xhr.addEventListener('loadend', handleEvent); xhr.addEventListener('progress', handleEvent); xhr.addEventListener('error', handleEvent); xhr.addEventListener('abort', handleEvent); } function runXHR(url) { log.textContent = ''; const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); addListeners(request); request.open('GET', url, true); request.responseType = 'blob'; request.onload = function (e) { var data = request.response; var blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); var downloadLink = document.createElement('a'); downloadLink.href = blobUrl; downloadLink.download = 'download.zip'; downloadLink.click(); }; request.send(); return request } xhrButtonSuccess.addEventListener('click', () => { runXHR('https://abbbbbc.com/download.zip'); }); xhrButtonError.addEventListener('click', () => { runXHR('http://i-dont-exist'); }); xhrButtonAbort.addEventListener('click', () => { runXHR('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mdn/content/main/files/en-us/_wikihistory.json').abort(); }); </script> </body> </html> Return to post



Struts 1.2.9 jQuery 1.3.2。 jQuery UI 1.7.1.custom Internet Explorer 11 Java 5




function loadWaitingSpinner() {
    ... hide your page and show your spinner ...


function checkCookie() {
    var verif = setInterval(isWaitingCookie, 500, verif);

如果找到cookie,停止每500毫秒检查一次,使cookie过期并调用函数返回页面并删除等待spinner (removeWaitingSpinner())。如果您希望能够再次下载另一个文件,过期cookie是很重要的!

function isWaitingCookie(verif) {
    var loadState = getCookie("waitingCookie");
    if (loadState == "done") {
        document.cookie = "attenteCookie=done; expires=Tue, 31 Dec 1985 21:00:00 UTC;";

function getCookie(cookieName) {
    var name = cookieName + "=";
    var cookies = document.cookie
    var cs = cookies.split(';');
    for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
        var c = cs[i];
        while(c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
            c = c.substring(1);
        if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
            return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
    return "";

function removeWaitingSpinner() {
    ... come back to your page and remove your spinner ...



Cookie waitCookie = new Cookie("waitingCookie", "done");