当你加载页面时,所有的浏览器都有一个顶部菜单(例如显示地址栏),当你开始滚动页面时,它会向上滑动。 100vh有时只在视口的可见部分计算,所以当浏览器栏向上滑动时,100vh增加(以像素计算)。 所有布局重新油漆和重新调整,因为尺寸已经改变 对用户体验有不好的跳跃效果
/* maybe i can track the issue whe it occours... */ $(function(){ var resized = -1; $(window).resize(function(){ $('#currenth').val( $('.vhbox').eq(1).height() ); if (++resized) $('#currenth').css('background:#00c'); }) .resize(); }) *{ margin:0; padding:0; } /* this is the box which should keep constant the height... min-height to allow content to be taller than viewport if too much text */ .vhbox{ min-height:100vh; position:relative; } .vhbox .t{ display:table; position:relative; width:100%; height:100vh; } .vhbox .c{ height:100%; display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; text-align:center; } <div class="vhbox" style="background-color:#c00"> <div class="t"><div class="c"> this div height should be 100% of viewport and keep this height when scrolling page <br> <!-- this input highlight if resize event is fired --> <input type="text" id="currenth"> </div></div> </div> <div class="vhbox" style="background-color:#0c0"> <div class="t"><div class="c"> this div height should be 100% of viewport and keep this height when scrolling page </div></div> </div> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>