
似乎我不能同时使用<code>,因为如果我把CSS块属性放在上面(用display: block;),它会破坏内联代码段。




以Prism.js: https://prismjs.com/#examples为例






<textarea class="code" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false" aria-label='Code Sample'>
  My Sample Bookmark:
  <a href="#bookmark1" id="b1" title="View my bookmark" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer nofollow noopener" accesskey="a" tabindex="0" aria-label="Bookmark">Got to My Bookmark</a>


        textarea.code {
            display: block;
            width: 90%;
            min-height: 5em;
            overflow-y: auto;
            overflow-x: hidden;
            font-family: monospace;
            border: 1px solid #bbb;
            padding: 1em;



以Prism.js: https://prismjs.com/#examples为例




并且对于需要使用blocked <code>的每个地方

<code style="display:block; white-space:pre-wrap">...</code>


  codenza, code {}     /*  noop mnemonic aide that codenza mimes code tag  */
  codenza {display:block;white-space:pre-wrap}

测试: (注意:以下是一个使用data: URI协议/方案的小规则,因此%0A nl格式代码在保存这样的格式时是必不可少的,当剪切和粘贴到URL栏进行测试时-因此view-source: (ctrl-U)在%0A下面的每一行之前看起来都很好)

data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html >
  codenza, code {}     /*  noop mnemonic aide that codenza mimes code tag  */
  codenza {display:block;white-space:pre-wrap}
<p>First using the usual &lt;code> tag
  %0A     function x(arghhh){ 
  %0A          return "a very long line of text that will extend the code beyond the boundaries of the margins, guaranteed for the most part, well maybe without you as a warrantee (except in abnormally conditioned perverse environs in which case a warranty is useless)"
  %0A     }
and then 
<p>with the tag blocked using pre-wrapped lines
<code style=display:block;white-space:pre-wrap> 
  %0A     function x(arghhh){ 
  %0A          return "a very long line of text that will extend the code beyond the boundaries of the margins, guaranteed for the most part, well maybe without you as a warrantee (except in abnormally conditioned perverse environs in which case a warranty is useless)"
  %0A     }
<br>using an ersatz tag
  %0A     function x(arghhh){ 
  %0A          return "a very long line of text that will extend the code beyond the boundaries of the margins, guaranteed for the most part, well maybe without you as a warrantee (except in abnormally conditioned perverse environs in which case a warranty is useless)"
 %0A     }


代码{ 背景:hsl(220, 80%, 90%); } {前 空白:pre-wrap; 背景:高速逻辑(30、80%、90%); } 下面的例子演示了<code>&lt;code&gt;</code>标签。 < >之前 这是一个很长的预格式化格式使用&lt;标签。注意到它是如何换行的吗?没完没了,没完没了,没完没了…… < / >之前


使用<code>表示可以换行的内联代码,使用<pre><code>表示不能换行的块代码。<samp>是用于示例输出的,因此我将避免使用它来表示示例代码(读者将输入)。这就是Stack Overflow所做的。



The pre element represents a block of preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic conventions rather than by elements. Some examples of cases where the pre element could be used: Including fragments of computer code, with structure indicated according to the conventions of that language. […] To represent a block of computer code, the pre element can be used with a code element; to represent a block of computer output the pre element can be used with a samp element. Similarly, the kbd element can be used within a pre element to indicate text that the user is to enter. In the following snippet, a sample of computer code is presented.

<p>这是<code>面板</code>构造函数:</p> <pre><code>函数面板(element, canClose, closeHandler) { 这一点。元素=元素; 这一点。canClose =取消; 这一点。closeHandler = function () {if (closeHandler) closeHandler()}; 代码}< / > < / >之前