<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"/></script>
<div id="xy" style="border:1px solid #f00; width:100px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sollicitudin tortor in lacus tincidunt volutpat. Integer dignissim imperdiet mollis. Suspendisse quis tortor velit, placerat tempor neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent bibendum auctor lorem vitae tempor. Nullam condimentum aliquam elementum. Nullam egestas gravida elementum. Maecenas mattis molestie nisl sit amet vehicula. Donec semper tristique blandit. Vestibulum adipiscing placerat mollis.</div>
<button onclick="alert($('#xy').height());">Show</button>
对我来说,Chrome/Webkit,文档。width / jQuery(document).width()不能正常工作。当我把我的窗口变小,并放大到我的网站,这样水平滚动条出现,文档。width / jQuery(document).width()在默认缩放时不等于1。这是因为文档。宽度包括视口之外的部分文档。
var screenCssPixelRatio = (window.outerWidth - 8) / window.innerWidth;
if (screenCssPixelRatio >= .46 && screenCssPixelRatio <= .54) {
zoomLevel = "-4";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= .64) {
zoomLevel = "-3";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= .76) {
zoomLevel = "-2";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= .92) {
zoomLevel = "-1";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.10) {
zoomLevel = "0";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.32) {
zoomLevel = "1";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.58) {
zoomLevel = "2";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 1.90) {
zoomLevel = "3";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 2.28) {
zoomLevel = "4";
} else if (screenCssPixelRatio <= 2.70) {
zoomLevel = "5";
} else {
zoomLevel = "unknown";
<div class="mt-5"
getStyles() {
const screenWidth = screen.width;
const windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
if (windowWidth != screenWidth) {
const percentDifference = Math.ceil((screenWidth / windowWidth) * 100);
if (percentDifference > 100) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '20%, 74%';
} else if (percentDifference === 100) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '20%, 72%';
} else if (percentDifference >= 90 && percentDifference <= 99) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '25%, 70%';
} else if (percentDifference >= 80 && percentDifference <= 89) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '28%, 68%';
} else if (percentDifference >= 75 && percentDifference <= 79) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '29%, 67%';
} else if (percentDifference >= 67 && percentDifference <= 74) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '30%, 65%';
} else if (percentDifference >= 50 && percentDifference <= 66) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '30%, 61%';
} else if (percentDifference < 50) {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '30%, 58%';
} else {
this.bannerBackgroundImageSize = '20%, 72%';
const myStyles = {
'background-size': this.bannerBackgroundImageSize,
return myStyles;
I found this article enormously helpful. Huge thanks to yonran. I wanted to pass on some additional learning I found while implementing some of the techniques he provided. In FF6 and Chrome 9, support for media queries from JS was added, which can greatly simplify the media query approach necessary for determining zoom in FF. See the docs at MDN here. For my purposes, I only needed to detect whether the browser was zoomed in or out, I had no need for the actual zoom factor. I was able to get my answer with one line of JavaScript:
var isZoomed = window.matchMedia('(max--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0.99), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:1.01)').matches;