是否有任何快速的方法让Chrome在console.log写入中输出时间戳(像Firefox那样)。或者是prepending new Date().getTime()是唯一的选项?
所有其他console.log变量(log,debug,info,warn,error) 包括时间戳字符串灵活性参数(例如:09:05:11.518 vs. 2018-06-13T09:05:11.518Z) 包括回退,以防浏览器中不存在控制台或其功能
var Utl = {
consoleFallback : function() {
if (console == undefined) {
console = {
log : function() {},
debug : function() {},
info : function() {},
warn : function() {},
error : function() {}
if (console.debug == undefined) { // IE workaround
console.debug = function() {
console.info( 'DEBUG: ', arguments );
/** based on timestamp logging: from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13278323/1915920 */
consoleWithTimestamps : function( getDateFunc = function(){ return new Date().toJSON() } ) {
console.logCopy = console.log.bind(console)
console.log = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.logCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.logCopy(timestamp, args)
console.debugCopy = console.debug.bind(console)
console.debug = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.debugCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.debugCopy(timestamp, args)
console.infoCopy = console.info.bind(console)
console.info = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.infoCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.infoCopy(timestamp, args)
console.warnCopy = console.warn.bind(console)
console.warn = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.warnCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.warnCopy(timestamp, args)
console.errorCopy = console.error.bind(console)
console.error = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.errorCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.errorCopy(timestamp, args)
} // Utl
//Utl.consoleWithTimestamps() // defaults to e.g. '2018-06-13T09:05:11.518Z'
Utl.consoleWithTimestamps( function(){ return new Date().toJSON().replace( /^.+T(.+)Z.*$/, '$1' ) } ) // e.g. '09:05:11.518'
控制台。时间:在代码中你想要开始计时器的地方调用它 控制台。timeEnd:调用它来停止计时器
console.time('Timer name');
//do critical time stuff
console.timeEnd('Timer name');
所有其他console.log变量(log,debug,info,warn,error) 包括时间戳字符串灵活性参数(例如:09:05:11.518 vs. 2018-06-13T09:05:11.518Z) 包括回退,以防浏览器中不存在控制台或其功能
var Utl = {
consoleFallback : function() {
if (console == undefined) {
console = {
log : function() {},
debug : function() {},
info : function() {},
warn : function() {},
error : function() {}
if (console.debug == undefined) { // IE workaround
console.debug = function() {
console.info( 'DEBUG: ', arguments );
/** based on timestamp logging: from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13278323/1915920 */
consoleWithTimestamps : function( getDateFunc = function(){ return new Date().toJSON() } ) {
console.logCopy = console.log.bind(console)
console.log = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.logCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.logCopy(timestamp, args)
console.debugCopy = console.debug.bind(console)
console.debug = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.debugCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.debugCopy(timestamp, args)
console.infoCopy = console.info.bind(console)
console.info = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.infoCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.infoCopy(timestamp, args)
console.warnCopy = console.warn.bind(console)
console.warn = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.warnCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.warnCopy(timestamp, args)
console.errorCopy = console.error.bind(console)
console.error = function() {
var timestamp = getDateFunc()
if (arguments.length) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)
if (typeof arguments[0] === "string") {
args[0] = "%o: " + arguments[0]
args.splice(1, 0, timestamp)
this.errorCopy.apply(this, args)
} else this.errorCopy(timestamp, args)
} // Utl
//Utl.consoleWithTimestamps() // defaults to e.g. '2018-06-13T09:05:11.518Z'
Utl.consoleWithTimestamps( function(){ return new Date().toJSON().replace( /^.+T(.+)Z.*$/, '$1' ) } ) // e.g. '09:05:11.518'
function log() {
const now = new Date();
const currentDate = `[${now.toISOString()}]: `;
const args = Array.from(arguments);
console.log.apply(console, args);
this.log = function() {
var args = [];
args.push('[' + new Date().toUTCString() + '] ');
//now add all the other arguments that were passed in:
for (var _i = 0, _len = arguments.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
arg = arguments[_i];
//pass it all into the "real" log function
window.console.log.apply(window.console, args);
this.log({test: 'log'}, 'monkey', 42);
[Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:47:49 GMT]对象{test: "log"} monkey 42
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