Strings are slower in joins and in real life they are very rarely really unique (even when they are supposed to be). The only advantage is that they can reduce the number of joins if you are joining to the primary table only to get the name. However, strings are also often subject to change thus creating the problem of having to fix all related records when the company name changes or the person gets married. This can be a huge performance hit and if all tables that should be related somehow are not related (this happens more often than you think), then you might have data mismatches as well. An integer that will never change through the life of the record is a far safer choice from a data integrity standpoint as well as from a performance standpoint. Natural keys are usually not so good for maintenance of the data.
我们可以为自动递增的整数字段设置标识。 当我们创建pk时,db会创建一个索引(Cluster或Non Cluster),在数据存储到表之前对其进行排序。通过在PK上使用标识,优化器在保存记录之前不需要检查排序顺序。这提高了大表的性能。
Inserts to a table having a clustered index where the insertion occurs in the middle of the sequence DOES NOT cause the index to be rewritten. It does not cause the pages comprising the data to be rewritten. If there is room on the page where the row will go, then it is placed in that page. The single page will be reformatted to place the row in the right place in the page. When the page is full, a page split will happen, with half of the rows on the page going to one page, and half going on the other. The pages are then relinked into the linked list of pages that comprise a tables data that has the clustered index. At most, you will end up writing 2 pages of database.