







在我相当旧的机器(英特尔(R)酷睿(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHz)上的结果:

avg time (ms) with -dJUNKOPS: 1822.84 ms
avg time (ms) without:        1836.44 ms



{$asmmode intel}
procedure example_junkop_in_sha256;
  var s1, t2 : uint32;
    // Here are parts of the SHA-256 algorithm, in Pascal:
    // s0 {r10d} := ror(a, 2) xor ror(a, 13) xor ror(a, 22)
    // s1 {r11d} := ror(e, 6) xor ror(e, 11) xor ror(e, 25)
    // Here is how I translated them (side by side to show symmetry):
    MOV r8d, a                 ; MOV r9d, e
    ROR r8d, 2                 ; ROR r9d, 6
    MOV r10d, r8d              ; MOV r11d, r9d
    ROR r8d, 11    {13 total}  ; ROR r9d, 5     {11 total}
    XOR r10d, r8d              ; XOR r11d, r9d
    ROR r8d, 9     {22 total}  ; ROR r9d, 14    {25 total}
    XOR r10d, r8d              ; XOR r11d, r9d

    // Here is the extraneous operation that I removed, causing a speedup
    // s1 is the uint32 variable declared at the start of the Pascal code.
    // I had cleaned up the code, so I no longer needed this variable, and 
    // could just leave the value sitting in the r11d register until I needed
    // it again later.
    // Since copying to RAM seemed like a waste, I removed the instruction, 
    // only to discover that the code ran slower without it.
    MOV s1,  r11d

    // The next part of the code just moves on to another part of SHA-256,
    // maj { r12d } := (a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)
    mov r8d,  a
    mov r9d,  b
    mov r13d, r9d // Set aside a copy of b
    and r9d,  r8d

    mov r12d, c
    and r8d, r12d  { a and c }
    xor r9d, r8d

    and r12d, r13d { c and b }
    xor r12d, r9d

    // Copying the calculated value to the same s1 variable is another speedup.
    // As far as I can tell, it doesn't actually matter what register is copied,
    // but moving this line up or down makes a huge difference.
    MOV s1,  r9d // after mov r12d, c

    // And here is where the two calculated values above are actually used:
    // T2 {r12d} := S0 {r10d} + Maj {r12d};
    ADD r12d, r10d
    MOV T2, r12d





为什么无用地将寄存器内容复制到RAM会提高性能? 为什么同样无用的指令会在某些行上加速,而在其他行上减慢? 这种行为可以被编译器预测地利用吗?



Move operations to memory can prepare the cache and make subsequent move operations faster. A CPU usually have two load units and one store units. A load unit can read from memory into a register (one read per cycle), a store unit stores from register to memory. There are also other units that do operations between registers. All the units work in parallel. So, on each cycle, we may do several operations at once, but no more than two loads, one store, and several register operations. Usually it is up to 4 simple operations with plain registers, up to 3 simple operations with XMM/YMM registers and a 1-2 complex operations with any kind of registers. Your code has lots of operations with registers, so one dummy memory store operation is free (since there are more than 4 register operations anyway), but it prepares memory cache for the subsequent store operation. To find out how memory stores work, please refer to the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual.



众所周知,在x86-64下,使用32位操作数将清除64位寄存器的高位。请阅读Intel®64 and IA-32架构软件开发人员手册第1卷的相关章节-


因此,mov指令,乍一看可能毫无用处,清除相应寄存器的较高位。它给了我们什么?它打破了依赖链,允许指令以随机顺序并行执行,这是自1995年Pentium Pro以来由cpu内部实现的失序算法。


Code sequences that modifies partial register can experience some delay in its dependency chain, but can be avoided by using dependency breaking idioms. In processors based on Intel Core micro-architecture, a number of instructions can help clear execution dependency when software uses these instruction to clear register content to zero. Break dependencies on portions of registers between instructions by operating on 32-bit registers instead of partial registers. For moves, this can be accomplished with 32-bit moves or by using MOVZX. Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 37. (M impact, MH generality): Break dependencies on portions of registers between instructions by operating on 32-bit registers instead of partial registers. For moves, this can be accomplished with 32-bit moves or by using MOVZX.







Move operations to memory can prepare the cache and make subsequent move operations faster. A CPU usually have two load units and one store units. A load unit can read from memory into a register (one read per cycle), a store unit stores from register to memory. There are also other units that do operations between registers. All the units work in parallel. So, on each cycle, we may do several operations at once, but no more than two loads, one store, and several register operations. Usually it is up to 4 simple operations with plain registers, up to 3 simple operations with XMM/YMM registers and a 1-2 complex operations with any kind of registers. Your code has lots of operations with registers, so one dummy memory store operation is free (since there are more than 4 register operations anyway), but it prepares memory cache for the subsequent store operation. To find out how memory stores work, please refer to the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual.



众所周知,在x86-64下,使用32位操作数将清除64位寄存器的高位。请阅读Intel®64 and IA-32架构软件开发人员手册第1卷的相关章节-


因此,mov指令,乍一看可能毫无用处,清除相应寄存器的较高位。它给了我们什么?它打破了依赖链,允许指令以随机顺序并行执行,这是自1995年Pentium Pro以来由cpu内部实现的失序算法。


Code sequences that modifies partial register can experience some delay in its dependency chain, but can be avoided by using dependency breaking idioms. In processors based on Intel Core micro-architecture, a number of instructions can help clear execution dependency when software uses these instruction to clear register content to zero. Break dependencies on portions of registers between instructions by operating on 32-bit registers instead of partial registers. For moves, this can be accomplished with 32-bit moves or by using MOVZX. Assembly/Compiler Coding Rule 37. (M impact, MH generality): Break dependencies on portions of registers between instructions by operating on 32-bit registers instead of partial registers. For moves, this can be accomplished with 32-bit moves or by using MOVZX.






Modern CPUs are RISC/CISC hybrids that translate CISC x86 instructions into internal instructions that are more RISC in behavior. Additionally there are out-of-order execution analyzers, branch predictors, Intel's "micro-ops fusion" that try to group instructions into larger batches of simultaneous work (kind of like the VLIW/Itanium titanic). There are even cache boundaries that could make the code run faster for god-knows-why if it's bigger (maybe the cache controller slots it more intelligently, or keeps it around longer).




插入MOV会将后续指令转移到不同的内存地址 其中一个被移动的指令是一个重要的条件分支 由于分支预测表中的混叠,该分支被错误地预测 移动分支消除了别名,并允许正确预测分支





