我正在尝试让Eclipse v3.5 (Galileo)在我的计算机上重新运行-我以前运行过,没有问题,但现在我一直得到这个错误:

要运行Eclipse,必须提供Java运行时环境(JRE)或Java开发工具包(JDK)。在搜索以下位置后没有发现Java虚拟机: C: \ eclipse \ jre \ javaw.exe javaw.exe在当前路径


我用的是Windows 7 (x64)。


我不能运行任何ipconfig / tracert /或ping。



找到你的Android sdk文件夹,用文本编辑器打开Android .bat文件 你会在文件的开头找到一些这样的命令,

设置java_exe =

叫lib \ find_java.bat

如果没有定义java_exe goto:EOF

更改为 设置java_exe= < java.exe文件的路径(可以在JDK文件夹/bin目录中找到)> 找到线条

rem根据当前架构设置SWT.Jar路径(x86或x86_64) 对于/f "delims=" %%a in ('"%java_exe%" -jar lib\archquery.jar'),设置swt_path=lib\%%a

将其替换为set swt_path=<您各自的swt.jar文件的路径,对于x86,它是在sdk\tools\lib\x86,对于x64,它是在sdk\tools\lib\x86_64> 保存并关闭文件,现在您就可以开始了。




"Installing" a JRE or a JDK can be as simple as unzipping or copying it from another computer: there is no special installation steps, and you can have as many different JVM versions (1.4, 5.0, 6.0...) as you want, "installed" (copied) almost anywhere on your disk. I would recommend to always run Eclipse with the lastest JRE possible (to benefit from the latest hotspot evolutions). You can: Reference that exact JRE path in your eclipse.ini. Copy any JRE of your in your <eclipse>/jre directory. In both cases, no PATH to update. The JVM you will reference within your Eclipse session is not always the one used for launching Eclipse because: You only need a JRE to launch Eclipse, but once Eclipse launched, you should register a JDK for your projects (especially for Java sources and debugging purposes, also in theory for compilation but Eclipse has its own Java compiler) Note: You could register just a JRE within Eclipse because it is enough to run your program, but again a JDK will allow for more operations. Even though the default registered Java in Eclipse is the one used to launch the session, you can want to register an older SDK (including a non-Sun one) in order to run/debug your programs with a JRE similar to the one which will actually be used in production.


我运行的是64位的Windows 7,并且安装了32位的JRE。 我下载了一个64位的Eclipse 64位JRE。 因为我没有64位JRE,所以它抛出了错误,这是有道理的。 我转到Java手动安装页面(不像你想的那样直接访问),安装了64位版本。参见“适用于所有操作系统的Java下载”。 这就是我所需要的。


我必须编辑eclipse.ini文件以引用正确的Java路径- 当Eclipse .ini中有值时,Eclipse根本不使用环境PATH。

当我遇到这样的问题时,在我的情况下,我用x86 Eclipse安装了x64 JDK + JRE。所以安装x86 JDK + JRE解决了我的问题:)我还在eclipse文件夹中创建了JRE文件夹,并将bin文件夹从我的本地路径C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7复制到..\eclipse\ JRE \。

我用的是64位的windows 7,我用eclipse时也遇到了同样的问题。为了让它工作,我必须使用internet explorer(64位版本)来下载java。这是让java安装64位版本的唯一方法。当我用firefox安装java时,它自动安装了32位版本(太蠢了!)Eclipse 64位版本不会检测java 32位版本。

首先感谢悠悠提出的解决方案!我尝试了YouYou (https://stackoverflow.com/a/14464653/801919)的回答。起初,它对我不起作用。以下是我需要采取的步骤:

Initially, I did not have Java installed on my new machine. So, I had to install that (downloaded from: http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp). I am running 64-bit OS. But, while downloading, I got the message which could help me in choosing which version of Java to download: Choose the 32-bit download to use with a 32-bit browser. Hence, I downloaded 32-bit version. Then, I followed the procedure mentioned in https://stackoverflow.com/a/14464653/801919, hoping to get the solution. I got some other error: Java was started but returned exit code=13 Then, I installed 64-bit version of Java. Copied javaw.exe from that version.

...Eclipse开始工作了!!Yaay !

设置JAVA_HOME变量和ad JAVA_HOME/bin为环境路径变量。