cursor.execute("DELETE FROM myapp_item WHERE n = %s", n)
transaction.commit_unless_managed() #a foreign key constraint fails here
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM myapp_style WHERE n = %s", n)
For instance, let's say you have a website for students to login and every student must register for an account as a user. You have one table for user ids, with user id as a primary key; and another table for student accounts, with student id as a column. Since every student must have a user id, it would make sense to make the student id from the student accounts table a foreign key that references the primary key user id in the user ids table. If there are no foreign key checks, a student could end up having a student id and no user id, which means a student can get an account without being a user, which is wrong.
与其禁用约束,不如将其永久修改为ON DELETE SET NULL。这将完成类似的事情,你不需要打开和关闭键检查。像这样:
ALTER TABLE tablename1 DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_name1; //get rid of current constraints
ALTER TABLE tablename2 DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_name2;
ALTER TABLE tablename1
ADD FOREIGN KEY (table2_id)
REFERENCES table2(id)
ON DELETE SET NULL //add back constraint
ALTER TABLE tablename2
ADD FOREIGN KEY (table1_id)
REFERENCES table1(id)
ON DELETE SET NULL //add back other constraint