问题其实很简单。我没有在Visual Studio中创建文件夹,而是在文件系统上为项目创建了一个目录结构。我如何包括所有的文件夹和文件在一个项目,保持结构?
如果我在一个名为Services的文件夹上“添加现有文件”,并导航到目录结构中的一个文件。Services > AccountManagement > CreateAccount.cs,它在Visual Studio中是这样显示的:我不想这样。
我已经制定了一个完整的目录结构,因为我正在模仿我们的客户开发人员使用相同的结构进行组织。如何在Visual Studio中将所有文件夹和文件添加到项目中?或者我必须像大多数微软用户那样“忍受”,通过Visual Studio重新创建每个文件夹?
Start your VS solution.
Right-click the project name right below the Solution.
Then click the "Add", "New Filter", put the name "projA" for projA.
Right-click on the "projA", click "Add", "New Filter", enter name "src"
Right-click on the "projA", click "Add", "New Filter", enter name "includes"
Right-click "projA"/"src", click "Add", "Existing Item", then browse to the /root/projA/src to add all source codes or one by one for the ones you want.
Do same for "projA"/"includes"
Do same for projB.
Now the external/existing projects outside yours are present in your solution/project. The VS will compile them together.
Here is an trick. Since the projA and projB are virtual folders under your project, the compiler may not find the projA/includes.
If it doesn't find the projA/includes, then right click the project, select the "Properties".
Navigate to "C/C++". Edit "Additional Include Directories", add your projA/include as such "../projA/includes", relative path.