$ git push heroku master
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
! Your key with fingerprint b7:fd:15:25:02:8e:5f:06:4f:1c:af:f3:f0:c3:c2:65 is not authorized to access bitstarter.
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
ssh-auth() {
# Start the SSH agent only if not running
[[ -z $(ps | grep ssh-agent) ]] && echo $(ssh-agent) > /tmp/ssh-agent-data.sh
# Identify the running SSH agent
[[ -z $SSH_AGENT_PID ]] && source /tmp/ssh-agent-data.sh > /dev/null
# Authenticate (change key path or make a symlink if needed)
[[ -z $(ssh-add -l | grep "/home/$(whoami)/.ssh/id_rsa") ]] && ssh-add
# You can repeat this for other commands using SSH
git() { ssh-auth; command git "$@"; }
注:这是对这个问题的回答,它已经与这个问题合并。这个问题是针对Windows 7的,这意味着我的答案是针对Cygwin/MSYS/MSYS2的。这一点似乎适用于某些Unix,我不希望SSH代理需要这样管理。