Visual Studio Code reports "It look like git is not installed on your system." when I try to switch to the git view. I know I have git installed and used by other Git clients. I guess if I reinstall Git following Visual Studio Code's instruction ("install it with Chocolatey or download it from"), it probably can fix the problem, but I don't want to mess up the existing Git clients on my system. Is there a reliable way to configure Visual Studio Code so it can find existing git installation?
Visual Studio Code只是在PATH中查找git。为了简单起见,许多UI客户端附带了“可移植Git”,并且没有将Git添加到路径中。
如果您将现有的git客户端添加到您的PATH(以便它可以找到git.exe), Visual Studio Code应该启用git源代码控制管理。
以下是对我有效的方法。不要使用Visual Studio Code终端来运行Git命令,而是从应用程序路径下的cmd终端运行Git命令。
VSCode 1.50(2020年9月)在问题85734中添加了一个有趣的替代方案:
Support multiple values for the git.path setting I use VSCode in three different places; my home computer, my work computer, and as a portable version I carry on a drive when I need to use a machine that doesn't have it. I use an extension to keep my settings synced up between editors, and the only issue I've encountered so far is that the git path doesn't match between any of them. On my home machine I have it installed to C of course, work likes to be funny and install it on A, and for the one on my drive I have a relative path set so that no matter what letter my drive gets, that VSCode can always find git. I already attempted to use an array myself just to see if it'd work: "git.path": ["C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\git.exe", "A:\\Git\\bin\\git.exe", "..\\..\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"], But VSCode reads it as one entire value. What I'd like is for it to recognize it as an array and then try each path in order until it finds Git or runs out of paths.
这是通过PR 85954和提交c334da1解决的。
使用VSCode 1.60+
“git。启用”:真正的 git.path
我编辑路径到系统环境,并添加“C:\Program Files\Git\bin”,然后重新启动Vscode。这对我很有效。我不明白为什么我正常使用它,然后我有这个问题。也许在安装某个东西的过程中会引起这个问题。
xcode-select --install
我发现在设置中有git: false。Json,并将其更改为true。现在起作用了。
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