
给定一个数字n,用C/ c++编写一个函数,返回该数字的数字和的平方。(以下是重要的)。n的取值范围是[-(10^7),10^7]。示例:如果n = 123,函数应该返回14(1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 = 14)。


int sum_of_digits_squared(int n) 
    int s = 0, c;

    while (n) {
        c = n % 10;
        s += (c * c);
        n /= 10;

    return s;


int sum_of_digits_squared(int n) 
    int s = 0, c;

    if (n == 0) {      //
        return 0;      //
    }                  //
                       // THIS APPARENTLY SHOULD'VE 
    if (n < 0) {       // BEEN IN THE FUNCTION FOR IT
        n = n * (-1);  // TO BE CORRECT
    }                  //

    while (n) {
        c = n % 10;
        s += (c * c);
        n /= 10;

    return s;

它的论点是数字n在[-(10^7),10^7]的范围内,所以它可以是一个负数。但是我不知道我自己版本的函数哪里失败了。如果我理解正确,while(n)的含义是while(n != 0),而不是while(n > 0),所以在我的函数版本中,数字n不会失败进入循环。这还是一样的。

Then, I tried both versions of the function on my computer at home and I got exactly the same answers for all the examples that I tried. So, sum_of_digits_squared(-123) is equal to sum_of_digits_squared(123) (which again, is equal to 14) (even without the detail that I apparently should've added). Indeed, if I try to print on the screen the digits of the number (from least to greatest in importance), in the 123 case I get 3 2 1 and in the -123 case I get -3 -2 -1 (which is actually kind of interesting). But in this problem it wouldn't matter since we square the digits.






首先,单独检查n是否为零显然是完全不必要的,这很容易实现。老实说,如果你的老师对此有异议,我真的怀疑他的能力。但我想每个人都会时不时地脑子里放个屁。然而,我确实认为while(n)应该改为while(n != 0),因为它增加了一点额外的清晰度,甚至不需要花费额外的行。不过这是一件小事。



如果商a/b可表示,则表达式(a/b)*b + a%b等于a;否则,a/b和a%b的行为都没有定义。





However, your teacher does have a point that you should be careful, because the fact that you're squaring the result is actually crucial here. Calculating a%b according to above definition is easy math, but it might go against your intuition. For multiplication and division, the result is positive if the operands have equal sign. But when it comes to modulo, the result has the same sign as the first operand. The second operand does not affect the sign at all. For instance, 7%3==1 but (-7)%(-3)==(-1).


$ cat > main.c 
#include <stdio.h>

void f(int a, int b) 
    printf("a: %2d b: %2d a/b: %2d a\%b: %2d (a%b)^2: %2d (a/b)*b+a%b==a: %5s\n",
           a, b ,a/b, a%b, (a%b)*(a%b), (a/b)*b+a%b == a ? "true" : "false");

int main(void)
    int a=7, b=3;

$ gcc main.c -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99

$ ./a.out
a:  7 b:  3 a/b:  2 a%b:  1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true
a: -7 b:  3 a/b: -2 a%b: -1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true
a:  7 b: -3 a/b: -2 a%b:  1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true
a: -7 b: -3 a/b:  2 a%b: -1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true



Yes, it actually is. If the input is INT_MIN AND the architecture is two's complement AND the bit pattern where the sign bit is 1 and all value bits are 0 is NOT a trap value (using two's complement without trap values is very common) then your teacher's code will yield undefined behavior on the line n = n * (-1). Your code is - if ever so slightly - better than his. And considering introducing a small bug by making the code unnecessary complex and gaining absolutely zero value, I'd say that your code is MUCH better.

In other words, in compilations where INT_MIN = -32768 (even though the resulting function cannot receive an input that is < -32768 or > 32767), the valid input of -32768 causes undefined behavior, because the result of -(-32768i16) cannot be expressed as a 16-bit integer. (Actually, -32768 probably would not cause an incorrect result, because -(-32768i16) usually evaluates to -32768i16, and your program handles negative numbers correctly.) (SHRT_MIN could be -32768 or -32767, depending on the compiler.)

But your teacher explicitly stated that n can be in the range [-10^7; 10^7]. A 16-bit integer is too small; you would have to use [at least] a 32-bit integer. Using int might seem to make his code safe, except that int is not necessarily a 32-bit integer. If you compile for a 16-bit architecture, both of your code snippets are flawed. But your code is still much better because this scenario reintroduces the bug with INT_MIN mentioned above with his version. To avoid this, you can write long instead of int, which is a 32-bit integer on either architecture. A long is guaranteed to be able to hold any value in the range [-2147483647; 2147483647]. C11 Standard LONG_MIN is often -2147483648 but the maximum (yes, maximum, it's a negative number) allowed value for LONG_MIN is -2147483647.



变量的名字可以稍微好一点,但这是一个很短的函数,很容易理解,所以这不是什么大问题。 您可以将条件从n更改为n!=0。语义上,它是100%等效的,但它让它更清楚一点。 将c的声明(我将其重命名为digit)移动到while循环内部,因为它只在那里使用。 将参数类型更改为long,以确保它可以处理整个输入集。

int sum_of_digits_squared(long n) 
    long sum = 0;

    while (n != 0) {
        int digit = n % 10;
        sum += (digit * digit);
        n /= 10;

    return sum;


Change sum += (digit * digit) to sum += ((n%10)*(n%10)) and skip the variable digit completely. Change the sign of digit if negative. But I would strongly advice against making the code more complex just to make a variable name make sense. That's a VERY strong code smell. Create a separate function that extracts the last digit. int last_digit(long n) { int digit=n%10; if (digit>=0) return digit; else return -digit; } This is useful if you want to use that function somewhere else. Just name it c as you originally do. That variable name does not give any useful information, but on the other hand, it's not misleading either.




在C和c++的公共子集中编写一个函数,该函数接受范围为[-107,107]的整数n,并返回以10为底的该表示的数字的平方和。例如:如果n是123,你的函数应该返回14(12 + 22 + 32 = 14)。


The argument should have type long to accommodate for all values in the specified range as type long is guaranteed by the C Standard to have at least 31 value bits, hence a range sufficient to represent all values in [-107, 107]. (Note that type int is sufficient for the return type, whose maximum value is 568.) The behavior of % for negative operands is non-intuitive and its specification varied between the C99 Standard and previous editions. You should document why your approach is valid even for negative inputs.


int sum_of_digits_squared(long n) {
    int s = 0;

    while (n != 0) {
        /* Since integer division is defined to truncate toward 0
           in C99 and C++98 and later, the remainder of this division
           is positive for positive `n` and negative for negative
           `n`, and its absolute value is the last digit of the
           representation of `n` in base 10.
           Squaring this value yields the expected result for both
           positive and negative `c`. Dividing `n` by 10 effectively
           drops the last digit in both cases.
           The loop will not be entered for `n == 0`, producing the
           correct result `s = 0`.
        int c = n % 10;
        s += c * c;
        n /= 10;
    return s;


int类型的值范围可能不够。 不需要对值0进行特殊处理。 对负数求反是不必要的,对于n = INT_MIN可能有未定义的行为。


这次考试你应该能拿到好成绩,但是笔试时需要解释,以表明你对- n问题的理解,否则老师可能会认为你不知情,只是运气好。在口试中,你会得到一个问题,你的答案就能解决它。



首先,单独检查n是否为零显然是完全不必要的,这很容易实现。老实说,如果你的老师对此有异议,我真的怀疑他的能力。但我想每个人都会时不时地脑子里放个屁。然而,我确实认为while(n)应该改为while(n != 0),因为它增加了一点额外的清晰度,甚至不需要花费额外的行。不过这是一件小事。



如果商a/b可表示,则表达式(a/b)*b + a%b等于a;否则,a/b和a%b的行为都没有定义。





However, your teacher does have a point that you should be careful, because the fact that you're squaring the result is actually crucial here. Calculating a%b according to above definition is easy math, but it might go against your intuition. For multiplication and division, the result is positive if the operands have equal sign. But when it comes to modulo, the result has the same sign as the first operand. The second operand does not affect the sign at all. For instance, 7%3==1 but (-7)%(-3)==(-1).


$ cat > main.c 
#include <stdio.h>

void f(int a, int b) 
    printf("a: %2d b: %2d a/b: %2d a\%b: %2d (a%b)^2: %2d (a/b)*b+a%b==a: %5s\n",
           a, b ,a/b, a%b, (a%b)*(a%b), (a/b)*b+a%b == a ? "true" : "false");

int main(void)
    int a=7, b=3;

$ gcc main.c -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99

$ ./a.out
a:  7 b:  3 a/b:  2 a%b:  1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true
a: -7 b:  3 a/b: -2 a%b: -1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true
a:  7 b: -3 a/b: -2 a%b:  1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true
a: -7 b: -3 a/b:  2 a%b: -1 (a%b)^2:  1 (a/b)*b+a%b==a:  true



Yes, it actually is. If the input is INT_MIN AND the architecture is two's complement AND the bit pattern where the sign bit is 1 and all value bits are 0 is NOT a trap value (using two's complement without trap values is very common) then your teacher's code will yield undefined behavior on the line n = n * (-1). Your code is - if ever so slightly - better than his. And considering introducing a small bug by making the code unnecessary complex and gaining absolutely zero value, I'd say that your code is MUCH better.

In other words, in compilations where INT_MIN = -32768 (even though the resulting function cannot receive an input that is < -32768 or > 32767), the valid input of -32768 causes undefined behavior, because the result of -(-32768i16) cannot be expressed as a 16-bit integer. (Actually, -32768 probably would not cause an incorrect result, because -(-32768i16) usually evaluates to -32768i16, and your program handles negative numbers correctly.) (SHRT_MIN could be -32768 or -32767, depending on the compiler.)

But your teacher explicitly stated that n can be in the range [-10^7; 10^7]. A 16-bit integer is too small; you would have to use [at least] a 32-bit integer. Using int might seem to make his code safe, except that int is not necessarily a 32-bit integer. If you compile for a 16-bit architecture, both of your code snippets are flawed. But your code is still much better because this scenario reintroduces the bug with INT_MIN mentioned above with his version. To avoid this, you can write long instead of int, which is a 32-bit integer on either architecture. A long is guaranteed to be able to hold any value in the range [-2147483647; 2147483647]. C11 Standard LONG_MIN is often -2147483648 but the maximum (yes, maximum, it's a negative number) allowed value for LONG_MIN is -2147483647.



变量的名字可以稍微好一点,但这是一个很短的函数,很容易理解,所以这不是什么大问题。 您可以将条件从n更改为n!=0。语义上,它是100%等效的,但它让它更清楚一点。 将c的声明(我将其重命名为digit)移动到while循环内部,因为它只在那里使用。 将参数类型更改为long,以确保它可以处理整个输入集。

int sum_of_digits_squared(long n) 
    long sum = 0;

    while (n != 0) {
        int digit = n % 10;
        sum += (digit * digit);
        n /= 10;

    return sum;


Change sum += (digit * digit) to sum += ((n%10)*(n%10)) and skip the variable digit completely. Change the sign of digit if negative. But I would strongly advice against making the code more complex just to make a variable name make sense. That's a VERY strong code smell. Create a separate function that extracts the last digit. int last_digit(long n) { int digit=n%10; if (digit>=0) return digit; else return -digit; } This is useful if you want to use that function somewhere else. Just name it c as you originally do. That variable name does not give any useful information, but on the other hand, it's not misleading either.



早在90年代。讲师一直在讲循环,长话短说,我们的作业是写一个函数,返回任意给定整数> 0的位数。






用C/ c++编写一个函数,返回数字的平方和


正确答案(先平方数字),和 不正确的答案与例子保持一致,只是为了让他高兴;-)

我不会争论'%'的原始定义还是现代定义更好,但任何在这么短的函数中编写两个return语句的人都不应该教C编程。Extra return是一个goto语句,我们在C中不用goto。 此外,没有零检查的代码也会有相同的结果,额外的返回使其更难阅读。



if (n < 0) 
    n = -n;


// don't worry, works for n < 0 as well
