2024-04-12 10:00:04



PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn ci -m "gr"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Aborting commit: 'C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject\addons' remains in conflict

PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn resolve --accept working C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject\addons
Resolved conflicted state of 'C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject\addons'

PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn ci -m "grr"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Commit item 'addons' has copy flag but an invalid revision

PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn update
   C addons
svn: Can't move 'addons\debug_toolbar\templates\debug_toolbar\.svn\tmp\entries' to 'addons\debug_toolbar\templates\debug
_toolbar\.svn\entries': The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn cleanup

PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn update
Skipped 'addons'
At revision 51.
Summary of conflicts:
  Skipped paths: 1

PS C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject> svn ci -m "grrr"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Aborting commit: 'C:\Users\Mark\Desktop\myproject\addons' remains in conflict



(1) backup your-file/your-directory
(2) svn revert your-file/your-directory
(3) svn update your-file/your-directory
(4) Merge the backup your-file/your-directory to the updated one.
(5) svn ci -m "My work here is done"



svn remove --force filename  
syn resolve --accept=working filename  
svn up


如果您在解决问题时遇到了麻烦(像我一样),并且由于对资源进行了许多更改而无法删除和更新资源,再加上您使用的是eclipse subversion而不是本机客户端,请遵循以下步骤:

make a copy of your entire project dir perform team>disconnect within eclipse, and choose to delete the svn metadata then choose team>share project, and point to the very same folder that your project resides in choose yes, and commit everything (you may want to exclude some very local resources, like configuration files) if you have deleted or moved some resources prior to your first commit trial, delete those old resources (they should have doubled up, one in old location, one in new) and commit those deletions.


如果您正在使用Eclipse IDE,并且在提交时偶然发现了这个错误,这里有一个工具内解决方案。我使用Subclipse,但subversion的解决方案可能类似。


右键单击文件,选择“Team”和“Edit conflicts…”。选择适当的行动。我之前在文本级别上手动合并了文件,所以我选择了第一个选项,这将把本地副本的当前状态作为“已解决的解决方案”。现在点击“OK”,就这样。


svn的决心 svn清理 svn更新

..这三个svn CLI命令,同时cd到正确的目录对我有用。


svn revert "location of conflict folder" -R
svn cleanup
svn update


svn revert . -R