

模拟的依赖 在单个测试中更改/扩展模拟实现 在执行下一次测试时恢复到原始模拟

我目前使用的是Jest v21。下面是一个典型的测试:

// __mocks__/myModule.js

const myMockedModule = jest.genMockFromModule('../myModule');

myMockedModule.a = jest.fn(() => true);
myMockedModule.b = jest.fn(() => true);

export default myMockedModule;
// __tests__/myTest.js

import myMockedModule from '../myModule';

// Mock myModule

beforeEach(() => {

describe('MyTest', () => {
  it('should test with default mock', () => {
    myMockedModule.a(); // === true
    myMockedModule.b(); // === true

  it('should override myMockedModule.b mock result (and leave the other methods untouched)', () => {
    // Extend change mock
    myMockedModule.a(); // === true
    myMockedModule.b(); // === 'overridden'
    // Restore mock to original implementation with no side effects

  it('should revert back to default myMockedModule mock', () => {
    myMockedModule.a(); // === true
    myMockedModule.b(); // === true


mockFn.mockImplementationOnce(fn) it('should override myModule.b mock result (and leave the other methods untouched)', () => { myMockedModule.b.mockImplementationOnce(() => 'overridden'); myModule.a(); // === true myModule.b(); // === 'overridden' }); Pros Reverts back to original implementation after first call Cons It breaks if the test calls b multiple times It doesn't revert to original implementation until b is not called (leaking out in the next test) jest.doMock(moduleName, factory, options) it('should override myModule.b mock result (and leave the other methods untouched)', () => { jest.doMock('../myModule', () => { return { a: jest.fn(() => true, b: jest.fn(() => 'overridden', } }); myModule.a(); // === true myModule.b(); // === 'overridden' }); Pros Explicitly re-mocks on every test Cons Cannot define default mock implementation for all tests Cannot extend default implementation forcing to re-declare each mocked method Manual mocking with setter methods (as explained here) // __mocks__/myModule.js const myMockedModule = jest.genMockFromModule('../myModule'); let a = true; let b = true; myMockedModule.a = jest.fn(() => a); myMockedModule.b = jest.fn(() => b); myMockedModule.__setA = (value) => { a = value }; myMockedModule.__setB = (value) => { b = value }; myMockedModule.__reset = () => { a = true; b = true; }; export default myMockedModule; // __tests__/myTest.js it('should override myModule.b mock result (and leave the other methods untouched)', () => { myModule.__setB('overridden'); myModule.a(); // === true myModule.b(); // === 'overridden' myModule.__reset(); }); Pros Full control over mocked results Cons Lot of boilerplate code Hard to maintain on long term jest.spyOn(object, methodName) beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); // Mock myModule jest.mock('../myModule'); it('should override myModule.b mock result (and leave the other methods untouched)', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(myMockedModule, 'b').mockImplementation(() => 'overridden'); myMockedModule.a(); // === true myMockedModule.b(); // === 'overridden' // How to get back to original mocked value? }); Cons I can't revert mockImplementation back to the original mocked return value, therefore affecting the next tests



jest.mock("@/services/ApiService", () => {
    return {
        apiService: {
            get: jest.fn()
                    .mockResolvedValueOnce({response: {value:"Value", label:"Test"}})





const spyReturns = returnValue => jest.fn(() => returnValue);

describe("scenario", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  const setup = (mockOverrides) => {
    const mockedFunctions =  {
      a: spyReturns(true),
      b: spyReturns(true),
    jest.doMock('../myModule', () => mockedFunctions)
    return {
      mockedModule: require('../myModule')

  it("should return true for module a", () => {
    const { mockedModule } = setup();

  it("should return override for module a", () => {
    const EXPECTED_VALUE = "override"
    const { mockedModule } = setup({ a: spyReturns(EXPECTED_VALUE)});



使用mockFn.mockImplementation (fn)。

import { funcToMock } from './somewhere';

beforeEach(() => {
  funcToMock.mockImplementation(() => { /* default implementation */ });
  // (funcToMock as jest.Mock)... in TS

test('case that needs a different implementation of funcToMock', () => {
  funcToMock.mockImplementation(() => { /* implementation specific to this test */ });
  // (funcToMock as jest.Mock)... in TS

  // ...


jest.mock("@/services/ApiService", () => {
    return {
        apiService: {
            get: jest.fn()
                    .mockResolvedValueOnce({response: {value:"Value", label:"Test"}})






    import { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
    import GetJwtToken from './GetJwtToken';
    it('When idToken should return "123"', async () => {
      const spy = jest.spyOn(Auth, 'currentSession').mockImplementation(() => ({
        getIdToken: () => ({
          getJwtToken: () => '123',

      const result = await GetJwtToken();

要点: https://gist.github.com/thomashagstrom/e5bffe6c3e3acec592201b6892226af2

教程: https://medium.com/p/b4ac52a005d#19c5


I found this approach to be the concisest one, with no need to jest.mock something at the beginning of the file etc. You need just the code you see below to mock MyClass.methodName. Another advantage is that by default spyOn keeps the original method implementation but also saves all the stats (# of calls, arguments, results etc.) to test against, and keeping the default implementation is a must in some cases. So you have the flexibility to keep the default implementation or to change it with a simple addition of .mockImplementation as mentioned in the code below.

代码是Typescript的,注释突出了JS的区别(准确地说,区别在一行中)。用Jest 26.6测试。

describe('test set', () => {
    let mockedFn: jest.SpyInstance<void>; // void is the return value of the mocked function, change as necessary
    // For plain JS use just: let mockedFn;

    beforeEach(() => {
        mockedFn = jest.spyOn(MyClass.prototype, 'methodName');
        // Use the following instead if you need not to just spy but also to replace the default method implementation:
        // mockedFn = jest.spyOn(MyClass.prototype, 'methodName').mockImplementation(() => {/*custom implementation*/});

    afterEach(() => {
        // Reset to the original method implementation (non-mocked) and clear all the mock data

    it('does first thing', () => {
        /* Test with the default mock implementation */

    it('does second thing', () => {
        mockedFn.mockImplementation(() => {/*custom implementation just for this test*/});
        /* Test utilising this custom mock implementation. It is reset after the test. */

    it('does third thing', () => {
        /* Another test with the default mock implementation */