I am trying to create a new project from existing source code. I keep getting the following error: "Invalid Project Description", project path "overlaps the location of another project" with the same name. The reason is that I created that project from the source code before, but then I deleted that project and deleted its whole directory, before adding the source code directory again. I tried everything like cleaning and restarting, but nothing worked. I looked in my workspace directory, but there are no traces for the old project. There are several questions around this problem such as this Attempting Android Notepad Tutorial - Exercise 1 - More problems, but none of the answers worked for me!
1) File -> Import
2) Click General then select Existing Projects into Workspace
3) Click Next
4) Browse the directory of the project
I noticed this is especially a problem when not using the default workspace path. The way I solve this problem is to just add the Project Name to the end of location. So let's say you are putting a project named "HelloWorld" into /Users/name/Documents/projects/android/, you would want to manually add "HelloWorld" to the end of it, like this: /Users/name/Documents/projects/android/HelloWorld. This would ensure that the project is put in it's own folder called "HelloWorld" and not inside some other project. Be sure that if there are any projects not within folders into a folder of the same name as the project to solve the errors.
而不是从Android ->现有的Android代码导入工作空间,你必须使用通用->现有的项目到工作空间。这可能是一个解决方案。
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