

I'v read countless articles about using, not using, mapping and passing DTOs. I understand that there's no any definitive answer, but I'm not sure if it's ok or not returning domain models from services to controllers. If I return domain model, it's still never passed to the view, since controller always creates view-specific view model - in this case, it seem legit. On the other hand, it doesn't feel right when domain model leaves business layer (service layer). Sometimes service needs to return data object that wasn't defined in the domain and then we either have to add new object to the domain that isn't mapped, or create POCO object (this is ugly, since some services return domain models, some effectively return DTOs).

The question is - if we strictly use view models, is it ok to return domain models all the way to controllers, or should we always use DTOs for communication with service layer? If so, is it ok to adjust domain models based on what services need? (Frankly I don't think so, since services should consume what domain has.) If we should strictly stick to DTOs, should they be defined in service layer? (I think so.) Sometimes it's clear that we should use DTOs (e.g., when service performs lot of business logic and creates new objects), sometimes it's clear that we should use just domain models (e.g., when Membership service returns anemic User(s) - it seems it wouldn't make much sense to create DTO that is the same as domain model) - but I prefer consistency and good practices.

文章域vs DTO vs ViewModel -如何以及何时使用它们?(以及其他一些文章)与我的问题非常相似,但它没有回答这个问题。我应该用EF在存储库模式中实现dto吗?也类似,但它不处理DDD。



Late to the party, but I’m facing the exact same type of architecture and I’m leaning towards “only DTOs from service”. This is mainly because I’ve decided to only use domain objects/aggregates to maintain validity within the object, thus only when updating, creating or deleting. When we’re querying for data, we only use EF as a repository and maps the result to DTOs. This makes us free to optimize read queries and not adapt them to business objects, often using database functions as they are fast.



It seems that your application is big and complex enough as you have decided to go through DDD approach. Don't return your poco entities or so called domain entities and value objects in you service layer. If you want to do this then delete your service layer because you don't need it anymore! View Model or Data transfer objects should live in Service layer because they should map to domain model members and vice versa. So why do you need to have DTO? In complex application with lots of scenarios you should separate the concerns of domain and you presentation views, a domain model could be divided into several DTO and also several Domain models could be collapsed into a DTO. So it's better to create your DTO in layered architecture even it would be the same as your model.

我们应该总是使用dto与服务层通信吗? 是的,你必须通过你的服务层返回DTO,因为你必须在服务层中通过域模型成员与存储库对话,并将它们映射到DTO并返回到MVC控制器,反之亦然。

是否可以根据服务需求调整域模型? 服务只与存储库、域方法和域服务对话,您应该根据自己的需求解决域内的业务,而不是告诉域需要什么。





Are your upper layers (i.e. view & view models / controllers) consuming the data in a different way of what the domain layer exposes? If there is a lot of mapping being done or even logic involved I'll suggest revisiting your design: it should probably be closer to how the data is actually used. How likely is it that you deeply change your upper layers? (e.g. swapping ASP.NET for WPF). If this is highly unlike and your architecture is not very complex, you may be better off exposing as many domain entities as you can.


In my experience, unless you are using an OO UI pattern (like naked objects), exposing the domain objects to the UI is a bad idea. This because as the application grows, the needs from the UI change and force your objects to accommodate those changes. You end up serving 2 masters: UI and DOMAIN which is a very painful experience. Believe me, you don't want to be there. The UI model has the function of communicating with the user, the DOMAIN model to hold the business rules and the persistence models deals with storing data effectively. They all address different needs of the application. I'm in the middle of writing a blog post about this, will add it when it's done.


让你觉得你在把内脏掏出来,对吧?根据Martin Fowler的说法:服务层定义了应用程序的边界,它封装了域。换句话说,它保护了定义域。






DTO是一个响应/请求对象,如果您使用它进行通信,那么它是有意义的。如果你在表示层(MVC-Controllers/View, WebForms, ConsoleApp)中使用域模型,那么表示层与你的域紧密耦合,域中的任何变化都需要你改变控制器。





本文提供了使用DTO http://guntherpopp.blogspot.com/2010/09/to-dto-or-not-to-dto.html的优点和缺点



用于大型项目。 项目寿命10年以上。 战略,关键任务应用。 大型团队(5人以上) 开发人员在地理上分布。 域和表示是不同的。 减少开销数据交换(DTO的最初目的)


小型至中型项目(最多5人) 项目生命周期为2年左右。 GUI、后台等没有单独的团队。


代码复制。 开发时间成本,调试成本。(使用DTO生成工具http://entitiestodtos.codeplex.com/) 您必须始终同步这两个模型。(就我个人而言,我喜欢这个,因为它有助于了解变化的涟漪效应) 开发成本:额外的映射是必要的。(使用自动绘图器,如https://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper) 为什么数据传输对象(dto)是反模式?


如果没有DTO,表示和域是紧密耦合的。(这适用于小型项目。) 接口/ API稳定 可以通过返回只包含绝对需要的属性的DTO来为表示层提供优化。使用linq投影,你不需要拉出整个实体。 为了降低开发成本,请使用代码生成工具